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Smoother and faster strafes per script!

Created 27th November 2010 @ 13:07

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Quoted from AnimaL

[…]chat msgs doesnt affect gameplay

They do, your teammates can se you’ve ubered even when they don’t hear it or you don’t call it.


\V/ »

Quoted from AnimaL

if […] its banned

same as with duckjump scripts when you could do it faster than without a script

You got it wrong. You can strafe as fast and smooth without the script as with it but it needs perfection to do so and thats what most people lack so technically it makes your live easier but is not illegal.

(You can do some spastic movement as scout while tapping the keys midair…)


lol i see that etf2l admins ftw again… comparing movement improving scripts with team chat msgs


\V/ »

Quoted from AnimaL

lol i see that etf2l admins ftw again… comparing movement improving scripts with team chat msgs

read my post before you go mad … :P


w/e hf, nobody in top divs uses this shit anyway



Quoted from AnimaL

lol i see that etf2l admins ftw again… comparing movement improving scripts with team chat msgs

This same rule can be applied to any other script too if you will. If you want more examples, you can take any script where you bind many things into one key. Rocket jump script, crosshair switching script etc. The rule theoretically bans what scripts are exactly supposed to do: make things easier / faster to do. You implied that the script would be bannable due to that rule. I’m just saying that you can make the same argument about any script. This means the rule must be interpreted and you definitely shouldn’t trust a random player on ETF2L forums telling you which script is banned by that rule and which isn’t.


\V/ »

Quoted from AnimaL

w/e hf, nobody in top divs uses this shit anyway

so tell me the disadvantages :P just because some top players use or don’t use something doesn’t mean that its good or bad.
Btw im pretty sure some top div players use +moveup and +movedown on jump and crouch. Theres no reason to bind these commands on other keys.

Quoted from LikeThis

Doesn’t everyone know about this script already..?




just tried the script, it does nothing to improve movement, how do u even aim with this shit :D

compton, i never liked any change, usually had to use all the new chat msg, uber and any other scripts, huds and what not, only after etf2l said its allowed and everyone started using them… :( vanilla ftw imo

as for this script: its made for noobs so they can better adjust to strafing, cant say it improves anything if ur used to releasing a and d once in a while

Last edited by AnimaL,



Now you know how to air strafe.



Quoted from AnimaL

compton, i never liked any change, usually had to use all the new chat msg, uber and any other scripts, huds and what not, only after etf2l said its allowed and everyone started using them… :( vanilla ftw imo

Yeah there’s different opinions about that and obviously you’re entitled to yours, just don’t want people spreading incorrect information about the ETF2L rules. No probs :)


\V/ »

Quoted from AnimaL

just tried the script, it does nothing to improve movement, how do u even aim with this shit :D

compton, i never liked any change, usually had to use all the new chat msg, uber and any other scripts, huds and what not, only after etf2l said its allowed and everyone started using them… :( vanilla ftw imo

as for this script: its made for noobs so they can better adjust to strafing, cant say it improves anything if ur used to releasing a and d once in a while

Hey i can tell the diffenrence and if you want to tell me something about strafing then go ahead i bhopped for more then 4 years in css (surfing and stuff too) i think i know how to strafe :P



I use this as a scout because it allows me to do some fucked up dodging shit, but have it disabled for solly and demo because it disturbs my air control…


Quoted from Snyyppis

I use this as a scout because it allows me to do some fucked up dodging shit, but have it disabled for solly and demo because it disturbs my air control…


The script in the OP is more a dodge script. Hasnt anything to do with smoothness. More the opposite. Therefore its so fucked up with rocketjumping, because i use left and right strafe at the same time at some point in my rocketjump to cancel each other out.



Run in a straight line while ducked.

Now go back and type +movedown in your console. Run in a straight line again while ducked.

Result: you move slightly slower.

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