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CommFT Welcomes Euro News

Created 1st November 2010 @ 05:27

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Hey everyone,

My name is Graham (aka jinn_) and I own/operate http://communityfortress.comCommunityFortress[/url]. I am sure you guys have heard of my site and us Americans have heard a lot about ETF2L over the past few years. I just wanted to let you all know that we have enabled a feature on our site that allows any registered user to submit an article to the front page of CommFT. Given the success of VanillaTF2 with this feature, we are hoping that it will boost our article count and bring in fresh content (we do not want to be North America-centric). Along these lines, I welcome you guys to submit any content that’s relevant to you as a Euro, whether it’s league-related or simply gossip. If there’s a big TF2 event across the pond, we want to hear about it!



What does your site have that VanillaTF2 doesn’t?


A bunch of elitist pubbers.



hai jinn


Quoted from octochris

What does your site have that VanillaTF2 doesn’t?

Lots of Americans

Spike Himself


Quoted from jinn_

If there’s a big TF2 event across the pond, we want to hear about it!

So basically all you’re after is for us to bring the news to you so that you don’t have to look around for it anymore?
Typical :D



no, thank you



dont be so ignorant and give the site a chance!


vertex »

Quoted from mvp.

dont be so ignorant and give the site a chance!

They have a point though. Vanilla is the place that we go to for Euro news – it’s not really necessary to dilute that and have to find it on an American site.

Best of luck with things though :]


it’s a pretty good site actually, and it’s been around longer than vanilla.

would be good to let the amerifags in on our scene, maybe we will get even more laggy yank soldiers to compete with us.



Quoted from d2m


They have a point though. Vanilla is the place that we go to for Euro news – it’s not really necessary to dilute that and have to find it on an American site.

Best of luck with things though :]

still, the more news sites, the more content.. the better for the tf2 community!



Is this really how the Euro TF2 community reacts to a news site, thats been around longer than most currently available news sites, asking for more content?

Wow, i didn’t realise we’d devolved so far recently.


vertex »

Quoted from mvp.


still, the more news sites, the more content.. the better for the tf2 community!

This is true, but how different is the content going to be? Considering most Europeans who are going to write something about what’s happening in Europe will probably go to their favoured site first?

If it brings about new and unique content – awesome! Let’s get it on! :)



Quoted from d2m


This is true, but how different is the content going to be? Considering most Europeans who are going to write something about what’s happening in Europe will probably go to their favoured site first?

If it brings about new and unique content – awesome! Let’s get it on! :)

How many americans check VanillaTF2?

This is our chance to reach out and let the US side of the community know whats happening over here.

At least, thats the way i see it, a lot of the stuff on it may be cross posted from Vanilla but its not for OUR benefit, its for the Americans benefit.



The more news, the better I’d say. We hardly see any news of NA scene or any other scene. I don’t see why we wouldnt exchange newsfacts :-)

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