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Recent Patch Bugs (157 nade) Fragga

Created 17th December 2008 @ 09:57

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Nade takes 157 damage, no self damage. I could post many more clips such as a scout being one-shot by another scout despite being on full-health, my medic being one-shot then fall to death despite him being firmly on the ground and just last night my medic being killed by a single non-crit nade at middle point on granary despite being on full health

Either these are bugs in the game since the december patch or it appears valve have done something to the damage variability.

Video showing medics can now be killed with only one sticky:



Too much powerrrr


experienced the scout ‘one shot’ as sol yesterday. was on full 200 hitpoints and attacked kondoR with a rocket, he only shot me once to sent me back into the spawn area. sure the rocket also did like 20 or 30 selfdamage but the scrattergun never done around 170 damage in the past.



died to 1 sticky as a medic couple of days ago. That never happened before right?
yeah the dmg values have been iffy since the last patch imo…


Nades random damage boundaries have increased…

Before the patch the nade could do damage anywhere from approx 75hp-130hp

Now a nade’s random damage is approx 90hp-160hp i believe…

Before the patch the sticky could do approx a max of 135hp

Now a stickies damage can go up to 175hp i think. It’s not a consistant 175hp tho, the average is around 150hp damage. which is alot…

: >





Had this as a Scout against another Scout the other day. I’d be happy to let this stay if it worked for me and no one else :P

Needs to change.


Makes the game a bit of a joke when things like this happen tbh.



Obviously, these damage values are too high and as they appear random it seems TF2 has taken a step backwards to the time when we played with critical hits.

In just one pcw (one map) last night our team recorded four deaths which would not have occurred prior to the december patch, all of these deaths were due to scouts or demomen. At least two of these deaths changed the course of the round.

I noticed some servers have adjusted values for random damage. I don’t know enough about this but would it be possible to change these values into the configs for the upcoming season?

What do the ETF2L admins intend to do about this situation (if anything). Clearly with this amount of randomness, and the increases in damage to those classes already the most powerful in the game, makes competitive TF2 somewhat of a joke.



If it can’t be changed, maybe someone should take themselves together and make a pro-mod (server-side like turbotf2). I remember some months ago everyone was using some mod to remove crit hits… surely we could use something similar to remove/reduce random damage.


Hey dats!

yea I could also show you a clip of me shooting a medic with a fully charged sniper shot, then with an uncharged zoom shot, and have him walk away. gg



Agreed, we need to:

1. remove random damage

2. cap the weapon damage values at a fair level (i.e. if the rocket does 100 max then so should the scattergun, nades and stickies) with the nades and rockets having the same fall-off over distance.

This patch is absurd


Hey dats!

Oh I’m glad it wasn’t just me! Last night at mid point on gran a grenade bounced to my feet, it wasnt even a direct hit it just bounced on the floor and exploded at my feet :s boom, I’m dead. There were other situations as well. In our first game I had tried to put it down to the server being odd but then when it happened in 2 different games, on different servers I figured something must be up.



Indeed, the upper damage has been increased. I too have noticed a few one-sticky kills.. which frankly is nothing short of retarded. I also seem to be taking significantly more damage from the scattergun under 15 yards or so.

This has happened before though and Valve fixed it in the next patch. Let’s cross our fingers and hope they fix this – sooner rather than later. If they don’t, it’ll be up to the community to sponsor the development of a “pro” mod. Joe this isn’t an issue that solely ETF2L need to fix.. it’s hardly their fault :)



i suggest u start working on it f2



I’m not blaming ETF2L, I’m blaming valve who clearly haven’t got the slightest idea how to balance out the game they created. All I am saying is if there’s a possibility for us to change the damage values ourselves for season-four then we should do so.

Losing your medic to one randomly fired nade from the otherside of granary mid point is just ragequit material.

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