What would a TF2 Promod have?
Created 1st October 2010 @ 21:39
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Despite ABBA being a slightly retarded game mode, I personally loved gorge. Really fun :D
Since I never read unless I really want to, this has probably been said already.
Promod is only useful when the developers abandon the game (or only the competitive side).
Having said that, I would like to see these features in the promod:
– All weapons unlocked
– Remove the fps dropping goodness
– No hats
– Make the configs more script-like? (:DDDDDD)
– No random updates
I can probs think of more, but I choose not to.
Tweak health, damage etc. :)
Buff soldier :b
you can do so much, faster weaponswitching maybe, nah. anyways, just look at cpma, huge difference between the VQ3 engine, and CPMA :) though, most people like tf 2 as it is now, with the current health, damage and speed. so people will probably want the unlocks restricted and w/e.
Quoted from erratic
Tweak health, damage etc. :)
Buff soldier :b
you can do so much, faster weaponswitching maybe, nah. anyways, just look at cpma, huge difference between the VQ3 engine, and CPMA :) though, most people like tf 2 as it is now, with the current health, damage and speed. so people will probably want the unlocks restricted and w/e.
i want the delay when you zoom in till hs away :D and faster weapon switch would make this game pro again :x
make scout less op buff solly abit get demo about smaller and buff heavy
so you have diffrent styles and not jsut mdc 2solly 2 scts 1 dm
yeah thats what i thought, something like that. but removing the delay will make sniping too easy dont you think? :)
Quoted from LikeThis
individual player ready up.
That’s why there is an ESEA config anyone can download. Imho the medlocks would be the only way to go, and also the sniper no-scope wihout crossair (I miss that, and the latest update ruined my no-crossair scope again)
Last edited by alfa,
For the love of god please no client ala ESEA. Needs updating everytime there is a tf2 update, that can force matches being moved. It makes your game crash etc.
If the “promod” would be a server pluging.
– Hats
– Unlock weapons (Vanilla + OLD Medic unlocks)
– Some kind of /admin command like in sourcemod(so that it would really be a server plugin ahahah)
If people start changing the gameplay by buffing sollys etc…. TF2 IS DEAD
Quoted from helberg
For the love of god please no client ala ESEA. Needs updating everytime there is a tf2 update, that can force matches being moved. It makes your game crash etc.
You are right mate, but I didn’t said we need a client, I said we need a config. If you can put the good parts from the ESEA config togheter with the ETF2L one, it could be a good and nice config which should help and pleaze everyone. Not that the current ETF2L config isn’t good or as good as the ESEA one, it’s just that I wanted to reply the other person (who asked if the 1 player ready-up could be implemented).
Thanks for your understanding.
Last edited by alfa,
a better community
Quoted from Ripple
Just have a look at the new weapons, noone would use them forever in pcw’s, if someone would – only to test them and to realize they are useless in most situations.
I would think again if I were you. GRU and the milk bottle are the worst offenders.
Promod should remove damage buff for Equalizer, and make Natascha slowdown amount roll off with distance.
More stopwatch please.
My very short thoughts on the matter:
Restrict crappy weapons
Keep the very few unlocks which are good for the game (or OP, and nerf them down, GRU anyone?)
Quoted from JackieBoy
If people start changing the gameplay by buffing sollys etc…. TF2 IS DEAD
(but not tf2 promod :P)
Obviously, TF2 promod would look like this:
-no items
-Fox only
-Final Destination
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