What would a TF2 Promod have?
Created 1st October 2010 @ 21:39
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Like, really. I could think of a few things it could do (banning certain weapons, SourceTV demos, Match statistics, etc) but really nothing that would justify a whole promod on its own.
(I’m just trying to guage interest, I need a couple more projects as a portfolio for applying to uni, and it’s just something I thought might be useful).
This would be a great idea imo. Like TF2 beta?
Last edited by Harlski,
make one !!!! :D
It would probably have most of the things PMOD has.
arent those doubtful unlocks the main reason why a “promod” was suggested so many times already? would it make a lot of sense if you gave them to everyone then? idk…
You can already ban weapons and hats from a server. No need for a promod to do that
Unlocking everything for everyone but allowing you to set restrictions based on league rulesets.
Everything that Tournament Mode does.
Strip excess graphical shit, maybe? So that people don’t HAVE to do it on their end?
Minimaps for spectate mode sounds good too.
Last edited by Enef,
Quoted from DeNeusbeer
It would probably have most of the things PMOD has.
Ye, this was kind of the problem I see. Only thing is I would be making it either as a metamod or straight raw server plugin (and thus, removing the need to have sourcemod on a server).
The idea was essentially that it could enforce rulesets custom defined by players, server owners, leagues, etc. For example: ETF2L would have their config server that contained settings regarding weapon unlocks and the main ETF2L cfg itself. This means that the ETF2L config on the game server would simply be 2 lines, 1 to add ETF2L’s cfg server and another to exec a particular config from it. The benefit of that would be that ETF2L could change rules/configs/weapon unlocks/etc easily and it would automatically apply to all servers in TF2. Of course though anyone could have their own config servers, ESL, Wireplay, even just random public server owners.
I’m 99% sure you could allow weapons to players who don’t actually have the weapon unlocked, you just wouldn’t be able to put it straight into the standard steam backpack system (would have to be some chat window or console commands).
anyways, just brainstorming.
Last edited by Skyride,
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