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Changing font in HUD

Created 29th September 2010 @ 08:01

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I recently swapped over from revan_xp’s HUD to broesel’s. But i really like the Chunkfive font. Just like the fontfix by compton for Community HUD, is there a way I could use broesel’s HUD with revan_xp’s font? Help please!



1. take the font file from revan’s HUD and place it in tf/resource

2. open Clientscheme.res and go to the bottom of the file where it says:

"font" "resource/Surface_Medium.otf"
"name" "surface-medium"
"range" "0x0000 0xFFFF"

3. replace “Surface_Medium.otf” with the correct filename and extension of your chunkfive file

4. right-click the chunkfive file, click properties and look for the PostScript name of the font – it’s usually like surface-medium, HelveticaLTStdBoldOutline, OfficinaSansLight or something like this

5. do search-and-replace and let your text editor replace all “surface-medium”‘s with the PostScript name of chunkfive

6. hf!

Last edited by broesel,


Shame on you :P

Read the post above but it’s not so quick to change the font because you should probably check every file and replace the font

Last edited by revanxp,



Quoted from revanxp

but it’s not so quick to change the font because you should probably check every file and replace the font

editing just Clientscheme.res will work – you have for example m0refont20 in the other files. And m0refont20 is defined as

"size" "20"
"font" "surface-medium"

– thus changing surface-medium to chunkfive will work. You should know that, revan :P



Ah okay thanks!

Last edited by ch3rry_,


It was the last chance to make him still use my hud ahahahaha
I’m joking :P
Btw you are right but surface medium and chunckfive take different space even if they are the same font size so it might have some problem with overlapping

Last edited by revanxp,

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