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Your opinion: Hacker or no?

Created 7th December 2008 @ 09:38

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Well done for putting the effort into it, but a lot of it is just plain paranoia.
The part where he’s “Tracking through the ceiling” i can’t tell whether its the quality of the recording or whether he aims in box shaped motions.

Only suspicious part is the gravelpit “round the corner shot”, and that alone isn’t enough to call him a cheater. Just luck reactions with a normal sound card…?

On a plus side i found the music rather good. Keep up the work though



Clip 5: You cant actually judge this from an stv demo, since stv doesn’t take interpolation into account for hitscan weapons. So on his screen, he would have been able to see the medic earlier because the medic was moving to the left.




Now imprinted into my mind.

On a side note, I wobble like that if i’m adjusting my aim. It happens when I try to point my gun at people and they are moving.

On another side note, why does an aimbot wobble matter when they miss the shot that comes with it, seriously, he misses pretty much all of them, and you could call that an aimbot?



sayin the same as everyone else, this is retarded, give back my 5 min of lost time!


@ skinnie:

I’m not the one who made the video, I’m actually in the same team as the guy under the spotlight. He swears to us that he hasn’t cheated, but like someone has said, the douchebag who did make the video went about it the wrong way and before even watching the videos 90% of the TF2 players here would have been convinced he was a cheater anyway.

Thanks for all of your opinions. Very much appreciated.


I think it’s pretty funny that Australia has a tf2 “scene” to be honest.


Why’s that Bash?


No idea, it just seemed random to me.


well from seeing his pov demos and the female vs male demo i am quite convinced.

on some instances on the FvsM demo you would see him shooting normally like a scout usually does. But other times he waits till hes on target and then shoots, like hes waiting for something to lock on, if you look closely you would see it and that is how he 2-3 shots most enemies because all his shots are “meatshots” when fighting in CQC.

And he does’t shoot straight away when he locks on because that would be obvious, tick 46800is a great example of that. (here it is http://www.wegame.com/watch/Angelessme/) If he would of shot straight away that would be suspicious and considering he uses 11 sensitivity, that kind of tracking while in the air and not shooting him is very suss. The ninja edit he made on ozfortress forums that ekolacherry pointed out makes perfect sense. Mouse4 to lock on and mouse1 to shoot. If that’s not what he does why did he change it to shoot :).

I use to hack in CS 1.6 about 5+ years ago, and i had an aimbot which i locked on via mouse3 and mouse1 button to shoot. Seems like the same scenario here.


You do realize we were only asked to assess the video in the original post and seeing as how it’s unlikely anyone in the ETF2L forums has heard of him or seen him play, let alone played with him, further explanations on your part are futile. Not to mention the fact that everyone that actually checked that clip probably did it out of boredom. Most people in this thread (most of whom are experienced with the game and some are also skilled) seem to find no damning evidence in the video in question. That is as much as anyone here can say on the matter.

I guess basically what I’m trying to get across here is that noone cares.


fuzzylogic nothing sus in this video for me tbh. He didnt even hit him so what?



That has to be one of the most stupid piece of “evidence” I have seen so far..
I this is evidence then could easily “prove” that every player is a cheater.

Clip 1 : So the player is a hacker because he is able to react decently fast, turn and then shoot ? He is playing in a top team and this behaviour is unusal in Australia ? Then I recommend any div 5 scout from here to go there and compete on the top level.

Clip 2 : He is moving his crosshair in a most common way to try to aim at the enemy and is not doing an incredibly good job ? If this is aimbot, then I again recommend any div 5 scout to to Australia and compete on the top level.

Clip 3 : He stands there and tries to guard the possible ways the enemies can attack. The only strange thing is when he is looking straight up, since this has no useful purpose. On the other hand, this could just be a coincidence. He might be bored standing there and decided to look up.
He is also looking a lot in directions where there are no enemies.
If he looks around a bit random he will of course sometimes happen to “look at” enemies through walls and sometimes not.

Clip 4 :
So he really need to see through walls to anticipate that the enemies will attack from one of the most common attack paths.
If I see an enemy burning and he is running to hide somewhere near a healthpack. Will I then be a cheater if I launch some missiles at the healthpack and happen to kill him ?

By the way, if he is wallhacking, why is he then ignoring the scout straight above his head in the beginning ? This scout could easily have killed him.

Clip 5 :
So the medics and the demo rushed in there and the scout followed and tried to shoot as quickly as possible ? What’s the problem ?
(2 medics by the way ?)

Clip 6 :
In the end he is just turing around the corner and tries to get a quick shot at the opening, but misses a little bit ?
The only strange thing is when he is looking into the wall in the beginning.

Clip 7 : I always look up there in exactly the same way he does to be able to spot enemies above me as fast as possible. He then sees the scout and shoot him, so what ?

Clip 8 : Just ordinary aiming attempts again.

Clip 9: Seeing through objects ?
The scout ran to the right side of the stone and exposed himself, then “the cheater” tries to shoot him, but misses because the scout ran back behind the stone and “the cheater” happened shot the stone instead ?
He also seems to need a better “aimbot”…

Clip 10 : First he is shooting at an enemy at the door, the runs against the resup and the turn and shoot quickly at the same spot as before in the belief that the enemy is still there and to prevent anyone from killing him while running to resup. Very standard behaviour.
(besides, there is no enemy even behind the door at the spot he is firing at)

I had a look at the forum thread at the first post and found it a bit amusing.
The person there writes that this “cheater” was not a good player three months ago and now he is a good player as if this was something very suspicious. So it is impossible for people to improve ?
Sounds more like a steamer who cannot take beeing beaten by someone he was beating in the past..


Okay, after watching the first round of the stv demo im sure that this guy is not cheating. In fact, he doesnt even seem incredibly good to me. Period.

PS: Australians dont use a demoman for defense in a 8v8 on Gravel Pit? rofl
PPS: Blu isnt capping the first point altogether although they could have won with stop watch in 1:20 mins and NOONE of red was on A? even more rofl no wonder these guys are whining this angelessme is cheating, any public noob could beat them.


meh i dont care anymore. and relentless you do realise they are versing girls…. if your talking about the male vs female gravelpit demo… i see no point trying to play serious lol?


If only all hackers were as obvious as the one in the good SoldierDown video :)

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