How about paroling Gryzor?
Created 18th September 2010 @ 20:51
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also good thinking sticking this in “General TF2” instead of “General ETF2L”
he’s an arrogant idiot that thinks he knows about stuff that he clearly knows fuck all about (qed on irclogs of dunc owning the shit out of him), i can’t think of a good reason to unban him.
Many seems to think he was banned because he was trolling the forum?
Gryzors ban was a farce from the beginning, seemed to be an eye for an eye descision.
NO! he is not going to change, he will be the same when the ban is released ;)
grzor had some serious personal issues with byte, which led to him leaving/being pushed from etf2l admin team.. but he just *wouldn’t* give it the fuck up, he was constantly trying to have a go at byte and it just got fucking tiring
bringing him back would do nothing other than raise the drama levels.. might be cool for you and I but I really can’t see the ETF2L forum moderators enjoying it :)
don’t bother bringing him back, the guy clearly has some serious mental health problems, he doesn’t bring anything positive to ETF2L
(anyone who thinks otherwise, have a look at the logs where he threatens to kill haza and then ring his parents up to explain why he needed to be murdered… :D)
If you don’t want him back in case he posts something on the forums that may offend so be it give him a forum ban. Why ban him from playing?
Keep him banned on the forums, but remove his ban from playing TF2 in etf2l
Quoted from Tikcus
If you don’t want him back in case he posts something on the forums that may offend so be it give him a forum ban. Why ban him from playing?
Keep him banned on the forums, but remove his ban from playing TF2 in etf2l
a person that is likely to post shit on forums is also likely to write shit in game
.. i.e. me
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