Oh TPlay, oh boomeh..
Created 14th September 2010 @ 09:10
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Quoted from WildCard
Great and tbh i dont rearly care, you signed up to be etf2l admin as did everyone else on the staff list, your not the only one here who has alot to do but if you want to get into a pissing contest then that can be arranged, since im rarther busy myself with tf2mentor and all the above you mentioned over at esl (which ill add is much harder with its current reputation among tf2 playerss), unlike yourself there is only a very small staff at both but i dont moan about it. (until now :P)
It’s been made quite clear to etf2l staff on numerous occassions with regards to boomeh and if noone here is willing to spend there time on it then just lol…dont see why i should waste my time since would seem obvious noone is rearly interested if you havent allready took the initiative to investigate it.
Edit: forgot to add
Cheers ;)
Lol…. The admins have already said they have checked Ip logs and all the other indicators of account sharing.
Granted it is pretty obvious twisted play are a bunch of cs circle jerkers who’ve been playing with 2ndaccountboomeh in etf2l :-D but there *is* no conclusive evidence Wildcard, what more is there to understand?
They basically said “we’ve exhausted our ways of checking, if anyone has any evidence or info please let us know”
You said “its been made clear its boomehs second account, im not bothering helping you out” how has it been made clear? Wheres the proof? Get a clue son.
Last edited by Tapley ❤,
It’s fucking shittingly obvious it’s boomehs 2nd account.
But you can’t proove fucking shit all. Therefore no actions can be made and boomeh gets off scott-free.
I don’t care if boomeh gets banned or not, but all this idiocracy of people even doubting tmm was boomeh is just crazy.
Soldier comes in with no previous experience yet plays at a solid level and even in some degrees out-pars the team.
He gets removed a few weeks before a certain LAN event where they use a merc they’ve hardly met before – boomeh.
But no seriously now… who gives a fuck
I really don’t think anyone is doubting that tmn is boomeh, just you have to have facts to ban, otherwise they are still using one rule for one person, in this case against boomeh. I think a better video would just be the 3:35 and 5:15 clips, pretty obvious, the other clips aren’t anything special, would be interesting to hear the comms with both those clips (I can’t imagine any comms that would make him seem legit in those cases :P).
Last edited by minimoose,
I’m surprised Wildcard puts any weighting at all in ETF2L’s ability to catch 2nd accounters after the Joske incident back in blame. That was more blatent than this case and was investigated under Wildcard’s request iirc and it still was a full season before anything came back positive.
For those of you that don’t know the timeline:
Boomeh gets caught for cheating by Aequitas (with a backlog of something like 1.5 years of cheating), “owns up to”/lies about using 2d radar and gets banned from tf2 leagues.
Within 2 months of this, SEKTOR-now-Twisted-Play recruit a soldier into their lineup called “TMN”. He registers to etf2l the day that he joins TPlay, with reports saying that he actually added people he knew to friends telling them that it was boomeh on his new account. TMN goes on to do incredibly well for someone who registered a very short time before the season starts and never seen in matches before, topscoring + topfragging in div4 matches. Bear in mind that boomeh is a very good friend of his ex-clanmate numlocked who was also very good friends with the lineup at the time (and no doubt the current lineup now too).
Season ends, TMN is removed from the roster. Boomeh coincidentally starts playing with TPlay soon after and plays for them at LAN.
Republican Anti Cheat Army of Demourge, another stirling job – why don’t you just join the ac-team, removes all the circle jerking going on.
Quoted from GibbZ
But no seriously now… who gives a fuck
I do. It’s been hard sleeping ever since.
start going through your old serverlogs yo! mebbe if boomeh/tmn played there the ip is still up! :D
Gotta start with: “lol Demourge you mad cause bad”
then continue with I love you Vali you’re so smart have my babies I love reading your walls of text! nah in all seriousness Vali does make alot of valid points(as always tbh)
3:35 is blatant the rest seems normal-ish?
Everyone knows Boomeh is tmn thats not the issue?
The issue is proving it, people can say “RUFL I KNEW THATS BOOMEH LOLO” all they want. It dosnt change anything.
How’s this for evidence: (from the pickup channel)
1/4-10 [05:25:40] * Joins: boomehlol ([email protected])
1/4-10 [05:25:44] (boomehlol) !last
1/4-10 [05:25:44] (@TF2PickupBot) Last pickup was 9 hours and 25 mins ago.
1/4-10 [05:25:46] * Parts: boomehlol ([email protected])
1/4-10 [09:11:52] * Joins: tmn ([email protected])
1/4-10 [09:11:54] (tmn) !last
1/4-10 [09:11:55] (@TF2PickupBot) Last pickup was 13 hours and 11 mins ago.
1/4-10 [09:11:56] (tmn) !add y
boomehlol writes !last, realizes that his name is “wrong”, and leaves within 6 seconds after joining.
He then joins a few hours later with the same IP and ident, again he writes !last within 4 seconds after joining (indicating it’s the same real person) and adds using the auth terminatorr which is now deleted because it wasn’t used for 3 months (obviously because boomeh started using his own auth).
Notice this was more than 150 days ago, before anyone suspected tmn for being boomeh, so he wasn’t just joking about the “tmn = boomeh” dispute. Assuming that tmn is not boomeh, there is no way tmn could have known that 100 days later he would be replaced with boomeh in TwistedPlay.
Has anyone actually boomeh[/url] if he is tmn? I haven’t seen him deny it anywhere.
Quoted from F2
Has anyone actually boomeh[/url] if he is tmn? I haven’t seen him deny it anywhere.
F2 = Legend.
Last edited by pukz,
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