7 days of TF2
Created 7th September 2010 @ 16:57
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So yeh, i started playing TF2 a week ago, i have a lot of friends who have been urging me to crossover from super keen css.
I decided to make a series of weekly movies tracking my progress. As i decided to do this yesterday (my 7th day), its the highlights of just one days play rather than the week.
edit: i didnt mean to edit the video, i just somehow editted a few things cos i was bored/messing about. please dont judge the quality of the video or i’ll break you :(
Quick summary of my weeks experience because I have to go to work in 30 minutes.
I started pretty bad, set a good sens (pretty high for me) but changed it down to 30cm/360 after 3 days because i heard it gave more consistant aim. At first i hated it, lost a lot more scout on scouts but soon realised how much easier it was to kill med/demo/sollys and it defo brought my k/d up on DM. I also had dreaful movement, and until a 2 hour duel with anty in which we experimented with movement i was just sooo hittable meaning i lost a shitload of fights even though i would have outaimed them. Then i started quick strafing from side to side at the edges of my larger strafes and it became a lot easier to stay alive 1v1. I noticed i could kill people i failed against on DM fairly consistantly after just one realisation. The next thing i had to do was teach myself not to quick strafe side to side when i had the advantage of suprise. Anyway I feel i’ve come along a shedload and look forward to see what i come up with next week.
Thanks to:
Inuy (kind of)
n0va (bad)
and some more people i dont have time to write out.
Last edited by Arcadizz1e,
After a late-night demo watching session, I’m convinced this guy is better than me at Scout and I’ve played a season of it :x
upcoming upcoming talent of the season?
Played you a couple of times on Lobby and PCW. Pretty good scout, but I had no idea you came from CSS.
I guess that’s why your so good after 7 days :P
Quoted from Morphine
After a late-night demo watching session, I’m convinced this guy is better than me at Scout and I’ve played a season of it :x
After a night of late night CSS mixing, I’m convinced Morphine is one of the most naturally gifted aimers on the planet, and probably underrates herself a bit too much :D
had a near death experience which i was around to experience so it made us closer as human beings and gamers. Upcomminggg
Arcy is learning well, however I think you need to learn what a normal sleeping pattern is some people get up at like 7 o’clock in the morning not go to bed at that time :x
EDIT: He’s also rather partial to ice cream at like 3 in the morning
Last edited by Vazzan,
i used to hate arcy, then i discovered his love of ferrets…
TL;DR fucking huge gamer (at peggle)
Notice he was playing with some of my team in the clips in that mix, so must be playing against div 4/5/6 level.
Quoted from Hildreth
Notice he was playing with some of my team in the clips in that mix, so must be playing against div 4/5/6 level.
they were all mid div3 teams i think, efall was one of them and the other was some french low div2 team
impressing :)
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