New telltale game featuring Heavy Weapons guy?
Created 29th August 2010 @ 01:00
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Pardon if this has been discussed before, but I noticed this teaser for an upcoming Telltale game (the dudes behind the most recent Sam n Max + Monkey Island):
At 0:14 there’s 4 silhuettes of known game characters, including TF2’s heavy weapons guy holding an unknown object. It says more info is due September 2nd.
I found a short newspost about it, including screenshot here:
Its the sandvich :D
Sounds awsome.
Thanks for posting, first ive heard of it. Looks like a cupcake to me.
edit: after watching the video its obviously not a cupcake
Last edited by hapha,
i dont get it,
here is the same topic, but the ppl are all like gtfo, but here they all appreciate it because a div1 player posted it…
btw, looks like the heavy is holding 3 cards.
Last edited by Hunt3r,
guybrush is holding a PDA
Heavy is holding some cards
wtf is the right guy?
Quoted from Hunt3r
i dont get it,
here is the same topic, but the ppl are all like gtfo, but here they all appreciate it because a div1 player posted it…btw, looks like the heavy is holding 3 cards.
yeah look at all those people telling him to gtfo
all none of them
Quoted from Dr-GimpfeN
guybrush is holding a PDA
Heavy is holding some cards
wtf is the right guy?
Quote from the article:
Fans of adventure games (and, uh, team-based shooters) will recognize the silhouettes pictured therein as Tycho from Penny Arcade Adventures, Max from Sam and Max, the Heavy from Team Fortress 2 and Strong Bad from Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People. That’s in order from left to right, in case you’re really unfamiliar with the aforementioned games.
Aw, bit of a letdown.
Also i bet you will get some tf2 item for pre ordering or something.
no multyplayer in a poker game —> fail
Trailer with item pics:
Basically, get shutter shades for demo
Quoted from Koeitje
No idea how to play poker, but for items I will learn.
really fun game to play when you know how play it alot with my flatmates, on my phone and facebook once you get in to it, its kinda addicting :).
I asked on telltale about the voice actor here’s the reply
Quoted from revanxp
no multyplayer in a poker game —> fail
reading the developers forums about the game they are considering adding multi player later on they want to see how the game is received first before adding it, as they say it would be a big job to turn it from a single player game to a multi player game.
Last edited by Si^,
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