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"Steam Validation rejected" and regular disconnect after 30 seconds playtime

Created 28th August 2010 @ 16:54

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If telnet to your router is not possible, then try and get a manual of your router and try and allowing the router’s firewall to accept telnet traffic. Open up port 23 from LAN. But be carefull, you can mess up alot of things, changing settings on your router.. It can even result in you not getting on internet anymore, if you change the wrong setting.

My guess is that the user/pw is for Dr. Justice’s router only. I don’t think that’s a default one :)

Last edited by Andee,



happens to me too



Quoted from Andee

If telnet to your router is not possible, then try and get a manual of your router and try and allowing the router’s firewall to accept telnet traffic. Open up port 23 from LAN. But be carefull, you can mess up alot of things, changing settings on your router.. It can even result in you not getting on internet anymore, if you change the wrong setting.

My guess is that the user/pw is for Dr. Justice’s router only. I don’t think that’s a default one :)

This is the default password for all o2 wirelessbox 2 routers



Quoted from Andee

If telnet to your router is not possible, then try and get a manual of your router and try and allowing the router’s firewall to accept telnet traffic. Open up port 23 from LAN. But be carefull, you can mess up alot of things, changing settings on your router.. It can even result in you not getting on internet anymore, if you change the wrong setting.

My guess is that the user/pw is for Dr. Justice’s router only. I don’t think that’s a default one :)

In my case I’m pretty sure it’s the ISP locking down telnet possibilites, since it works for telnetting if I reset it. Whenever the ISP pushes out the new firmware however, it locks down telnet access. As I said, there are ways to ‘hack’ it into allowing telnet connection.



Quoted from dr.Justice

This is the default password for all o2 wirelessbox 2 routers

O2 pushed out an update that changed the password for the SuperUser account to be the box’s actual serial number. To try to make them more secure.

btw Dr thanks for the tip – I’ve modified my O2 box setting here’s hoping that it cures the initial disconnection problems.



this isnt a recent problem ive had it for about 3-4 years since i used to play css and had the exact same problem then



Same issue on TF2.
BT Homehub router.

The “STEAM Validation Rejected” message is the new version of “STEAMID X:X:XXXX…” is already in use on this server.

What I believe is, the server registers you connecting, but not the disconnect (which is the problem). Thus, it takes 30s-3m for it to realise you’re not on the server anymore, before you can reconnect. Rebooting TF2 or Steam doesn’t solve the problem, you’d either have to:

a) Wait and keep trying for a bit.
b) Play on a different server for a while, then reconnect.
c) Get a friend to kick you.

I still don’t know what causes it though. ='{


SNSD-jjang ♥

Quoted from fisk


This should work for Thomson TG784/787 aswell, except that default user is Administrator and password is blank (Atleast when delivered from swedish Telia). I can’t test it since my router refuses to accept telnet, I’m suspecting Telia pushed out a firmware that closes telnet down (except for their customer support).

Does this mean it’s impossible to fix for us? I sit here with Telia and TG784 as well, in Sweden. Same issue, same problems solving it.

Thompson TG789 here but with custom firmware from the ISP, long story short is that I do not have the login details and won’t be getting them from my ISP.

But even if I could fix it I also feel like Valve should fix this problem as they introduced it around the Engineer update and if I had done every “fix” for problems I had with them updating the game I would have re-installed the game over 10 times since I got it and done many exotic modifications to the game.



Quoted from Alx


Does this mean it’s impossible to fix for us? I sit here with Telia and TG784 as well, in Sweden. Same issue, same problems solving it.

As I said, it’s not impossible. There are ways to hacking the router config to accept telnet again. It’s tried and confirmed that it works, in my case I won’t do it until I’m 100% sure that it won’t affect my IPTV or IP-telephone. More information: https://www.flashback.org/sp26493071


Quoted from Security

But even if I could fix it I also feel like Valve should fix this problem as they introduced it around the Engineer update and if I had done every “fix” for problems I had with them updating the game I would have re-installed the game over 10 times since I got it and done many exotic modifications to the game.


Either they fix the MASSIVE traffic that causes routers to defend themselves, or they update the servers so they actually realize that you are not on the server anymore. I cant imagine the latter to be too hard to execute.. but once again i cant judge that properly…




I had the same problem, but this completely fixed it for me. This should work for all Thomson routers. From bethere.co.uk forums:

This fix should correct the following issues:

* Servers in Steam/in Steam games suffer ping ‘spikes’
* Difficulty/Inability to connect to servers
* Use of Steam/Steam games causes the BeBox to freeze/stall/restart (crash)
* Loss of connection to servers, or timeouts
* Poor performance (‘lag’) in servers

If you are having problems with the fix supplied below then please post in this thread and I will try to help, but I will not be held responsible for any damage to Be equipment etc. You know the drill.

This fix involves editing the user.ini file to change configuration. of the BeBox. This can also be done through telnet but I recommend it be done this way as I ran into problems trying the fix via telnet.

1. Follow this link to the router configuartion page:

2.Enter username & password (default is Administrator, with the password left blank or the S/N from the bottom of the BeBox – without the bit in () )

3. Select Backup Configuration Now…. Don’t close this window

You should now have a user.ini file containing your router configuration options.

4. Open it in Notepad. Go to Edit , Find and search for appconfig application=GAME(UDP)

You should see three entries regarding UDP. You need to change them to:

appconfig application=GAME(UDP) trace=enabled timeout=3
appconfig application=CONE(UDP) trace=enabled timeout=3
appconfig application=LOOSE(UDP) trace=enabled timeout=3

Now again, go to Edit , Find and this time search for timerconfig timer=udpidle

You should change this entry to:

timerconfig timer=udpidle value=3

5. Save that user.ini file to the desktop. Switch back to the Speedtouch router page and select Restore Configuration Now….

6. Use the router dialog to locate and select the user.ini file that you have modified. The router should upload the file.

7. Once configuration is uploaded, restart your router and all ‘Connection Problem’ or Server list crashes or Restarting of the BeBox due to UDP flooding in CSS and other games should be FIXED.

I would also like to mention that I have the BeBox firewall set to Standard in the BeBox router page Toolbox.

Last edited by Scotteh,



Quoted from Scotteh

I had the same problem, but this completely fixed it for me. This should work for all Thomson routers. From bethere.co.uk forums:


This did not work for my Telia box. The default user ‘Administrator’ wasn’t allowed access.

Quoted from Scotteh

I had the same problem, but this completely fixed it for me. This should work for all Thomson routers. From bethere.co.uk forums:


Thanks for the tip, but sadly my ISP changed the administrator password.




Still getting this problem (BT Homehub router), anyone else?

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