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Leavers: without a clue

Created 26th November 2008 @ 12:58

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Its the same story when you hear from some friends that say they are moving on from tf2. “The game hasnt gone anywhere yet, ill go play cod!”

This is a bad excuse. Currently TF2’s only problem with the state of the game is that there isnt enough reward to interest top tier teams. IMO this is only a concern to the best teams around at the moment, so it should only be a problem for a dozen or so clans. I have NO IDEA why just about anybody thinks that comp tf2 is going to die on them because of a lack of prize funds… There are still plently of dedicated teams, in a game that has diverse gameplay which has only just begun to evolve.

Moving onto another game is abit silly, when you think that the game will have easier competition, or that your just ‘not good at tf2’. Competitive gaming requires the same skill set all-round, dedication, trying to learn the game and perfect the game. Moving onto another game would detriment you more, as your starting at the beginning. AGAIN.

Some people give the valid excuse that they are bored with tf2. Fine, those ppl can quit gaming altogether, because sticking it out in any other game competitively will make you equally bored. Especially if your going for something like the cod series, which isnt something we havnt all been playing forever (im sure you can hear the sarcasm in my voice)

This should be an exciting time for TF2, its got its leagues, and its top tier teams, a horde of progressive teams and a massive public player base, valve want to keep evolving the game, and thats also exactly what we will be doing to. A few months down the line we might even see a spy as a main lineup class :P

Also remember playing a game competitively isnt about your ideal game, its about playing the game the best it can. That means that IF spy becomes a useful main class, then the game hasnt suddenly become stupid, its become different. If ur an RTS player and u get annoyed by people who try to play ‘no rush’ rules you will understand. I make this point because if such a thing happens its inevitable that there will be a whole bunch of retards that will decide to quit because instead of adapting they will find the game ‘doesnt quite suit them anymore’ gtfo ;)

Im sure i have more arguments to present at some point. This isnt aimed at anyone in particular. People need to just think about it before they all decide that quitting tf2 for another game is even something remotely feasible.


Ofc it’s sad how many “leavers” there are but I think it’s easier to get new ppl into a game than stopping them from playing something else. Now go to some cod Forums and tell them to play tf2 instead ;)


You have a point there,
however in my opinion a bigger issue is that lot`s of (I mean LOT`S of) players are overrating themselves. They played in sub-bar div2 teams or played 1 week in a folded div1 team and are of the opinion that they are mid++++ or HIGH skilled.
So what happens afterwards? They search for a mid+++++++ – high team, get positives comments of all the other clanless ppl and see themselves verified of being an awesome player.
Yet of course no div1 team will pick up those thousands of clanless ppl (simply because there are way too many of them…).
But instead of realizing that they need more experience they keep being clanless and eventually quit tf2.

That way we lose many talented player who are simply too lazy to work their way up.
They expect to get in a top div2 or div1 clan with zero experience.
Don`t get me wrong, this CAN actually work out if a top team gives a newcomer the chance to prove himself (e.g. itchi & TLR), but this was an exception and will never be the casual case.

Sorry akill it was a bit offtopic but I didn`t want to create a new thread.

peace out


Hey dats!

right on aves



2nded Aves




i think its also a valid point for this topic, aves


Couldn’t agree more with both Akill and Aves.



Regarding the unclanned people – many players are caught between not being good enough for div2 or joining a group that are frustrating to play with. Not many clans balance the fun and skill – the ones that do are of course rarely recruiting as they are not constantly turbulent with lots of lineup changes.

Every game has leavers at the “top end” of the game, their expectations are higher – they want more. Basically they forget what they have that is good and always want more so they leave (then often come back after a while refreshed). That’s why it’s better to go inactive without a big attention-seeking bridge-burning farewell parade just go inactive quetly so you have the option to come back without looking like a tit :)


TF2 game without cyber sport future, thats why people leaving, this game requires too much of tactics, which people cant normaly create, and as it now not many good organized clans, it was in the past, it is now as that. Look at forums, you see tons of people searching for clan, and not many clans searching for people. Maybe some people can play under some ones command, but cant command them selves, so no places to stay in for people and less competition for top clans which are formed. And thats all the problem, i left tf2 myself cause couldnt find a good clan for myself .. And as i see it, TF2 has no future, and thats not only my opinion, i found good competition in L4D, it is entertaining and competitive game, requires not so much tactics, but requires good teamwork, i see more future in that game then in TF2, prolly some people decide to go somewhere where its already stable, like cod for example. So thats basically it. It’s just too early for game like TF2 to go wide, when more people who can lead will come here then maybe it will change, but not like it is now.


RaWr ::

Its dead.



lol joske your opinion doesnt count anymore

and fenrir lol l4d’s format isnt near as good as tf2 for competitive gaming …

problem with many players is that when they look for a clan, they overestimate themselves and are only willing to play for a div1/2 clan. I remember u looking for a clan Fenrir , stating that you are mid+ and looking for a div2 clan while u were a mid demoman at best and can barely talk english (yes i saw u play in pickups). There are enough div3/4 .. clans looking for players.



Skinnie’s right. There are far too many people who overestimate themselves, just because they’re either too good for pubs or pickups, or because they’ve been playing TF2 since it was released. Neither of those things make you Div2 worthy – it takes a lot of hard work, practise and committment to get there, and most of these players don’t have any of them.

And lol @ L4D having a more competitive future than TF2. Come back in 1-2 months and see if you still find L4D as enjoyable as it is now. That’s a game that’s going to die fairly quickly because it DOESN’T have a competitive scene.


If you see no competition in it, it doesnt mean that there isnt any. I played both games, I havent played TF2 in two month, today i just of curiosity came to just random server, too see how noobish i became, and what i saw, damn, no competition .. i just raped all and all 136 kills and about 40 death … jes .. that sucks, came here to see if something in state of clans recruiting changed, and what i see? no clans recruiting, and tons of people searching for clan … in 2 month, no change .. and it gets woth by the day, all people whos left in my steam friends from TF2 playing anything but TF2 .. and what do you know, many of em organizing clans of L4D, and there are total of abot 100 clans curently on 2 leagues, man, the game is 2 weeks old, 100 clans? no competition, huh. First get at least a mix, find an oponent play it, then talk, i never had so many fun and competition as in L4D dude, you know why? cause its not predictable how it will go, in TF2 its a meter of tactics, in L4D its a meter of teamwork and what do you know, of luck, cause never know how it will go, the game is unpredictable, makes it more competitive. I like, no even not like, i LOVE TF2, prolly best game ever, but no cyber sport future at least for a couple of years from now, maybe in couple of years when people will get bored of CS, and finaly realize that there are more interesting games then just run and shoot, they will come to TF2 and stuff, and there will be more brains in this game, more team leaders wich will create good teams, then this game will have fututre, for now, not so many people that have brains to organize a team and create ultra tactics, maybe not ultra, but competitve gameplay, for now this game is only going down, and such game as L4D is going up, cause it is much more easyer in tactics, but requires more teamwork, what easyer to get? tactics or teamwork? second of all L4D requires lesser people, means more teams on 2 TF2 teams you get 3 L4D teams, and trust me, L4D much more entertaining and fun then TF2, i played demo from 6th of november till the day of release of the game over and over and over, damn this game not getting boring, some people dont find it as good as i do, tru, but trust me bestseller it is, the bigest sales of the game in all times doesnt gives you the idea that it is realy good, and remember, valve not stopping work on it, they continue to upgrade it, in two month we wait grand update wich will include new weapons, new campaings, and people already creating custom campaings, there are only 5 wich i know of, so this game will get big day by day. As for TF2 nothing changes, great game, but too hard in tactics for most of people.

PS. Chekc it out
and http://gamebattles.com/pc/left-4-dead/teams
and thats only a start.


skinnie you’re pretty right, but the problem is, if eg me (div5 average) always is going to join other div5 clans, I will never improve, thats why people ask for clans to join that are higher skilled. People dont want to play at their current level, they want to improve. But yeah, ppl really shouldnt say “hey im mid+” but “hey im mid- right now but i want to become mid+ in ~1-2 months”

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