When you need a merc medic
Created 26th August 2010 @ 14:02
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I love my heal beam! Give me a shout if I’m not in a 6v6. Whatever happens its at most a half hour of my life.
I love my heal beam!
Joined! Will merc!
Last edited by psunfragga,
Joined, willing to merc for teams that at least have a basic understanding of how to protect a medic ;)
Quoted from psunfragga
Joined! Will merc!
Pro tip: ^^-Take all these guys before me….seriously.
Edit: Oh…and these ones-vv
Last edited by Monkeh,
Quoted from octochris
Joined, willing to merc for teams that at least have a basic understanding of how to protect a medic ;)
joined, and same here
Quoted from octochris
Joined, willing to merc for teams that at least have a basic understanding of how to protect a medic ;)
Quoted from octochris
Joined, willing to merc for teams that at least have a basic understanding of how to protect a medic ;)
^ + I’m always up for a mix/merc
Quoted from atrox_
^ + I’m always up for a mix/merc
me either as medic or soldier on Div5/Div6 high level ;)
joined, rank me plz.
Am currently just playing in the 9v9 challenge but if needed elsewhere I’m free.
when i get a second, i’ll go through this and make all those that want to medic an officer, alternativly anyone who is already an officer can do it (bug monkeh)
or hit me in irc
or on steam
got quite a few medics signed up now. is anyone using this group or have used it to find a merc medic yet?
Quoted from Tikcus
got quite a few medics signed up now. is anyone using this group or have used it to find a merc medic yet?
I got asked once.
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