Find a team, then find a game
Created 22nd August 2010 @ 21:44
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The more reasonable you are with people, the more that unreasonable people will take the piss.
Quoted from XorZ
Pretty simple, thought everyone would get it by now. Nobody likes waiting 45 minutes for you to get your team in-game (looking at you, 8U Gaming)
Hate to break it to ya, but I think that was aimed at your team.
Well said.
Quoted from octochris
[…]what about bus wankers??
Just make sure you don’t shout it before a red light.
This thread is both important, and pointless.
All i can say about it though is, teams should be more honest to their opponents. If you have problems filling your team after accepting a game, let your opponents find a new game, instead just saying “coming soon” for 15-30 minutes. Its not THAT hard to find new opponents.
I have full faith in this making people change attitudes/prevent people crashing/having internet issues.
Quoted from XorZ
Pretty simple, thought everyone would get it by now. Nobody likes waiting 45 minutes for you to get your team in-game (looking at you, 8U Gaming)
jakko banned me from the 8U pub server. I think it was because I was cheating, and very obviously so.
Quoted from KrullkrigareN^
This was really worth the post, fucking wankers.
u bad, so sad
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