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choke problem

Created 24th July 2010 @ 13:53

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since the engine update for all the source games i got a massive choke problem. On pubs i get sometimes 60 choke and on warservers 3-20 choke. My config worked now over 2 years perfectly, but since the update is my game unplayable. I also defrag my tf2 files and installed Chris Highfps cfg, but nothing happens.

rate “30000”
cl_interp_ratio “1”
cl_interp “0.01”
cl_updaterate “66”
cl_cmdrate “66”
cl_smooth “0”
cl_smoothtime “0.01”
cl_lagcompensation “1”
cl_pred_optimize “2”
cl_interp_threadmodeticks “0”

http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/3014/cpgranary0018.jpg (nice-servers.com :: TF2 DM Server)

any suggestions?


Last edited by reCon,


nvm checked screenshot

Last edited by franco,


Quoted from franco

what fps do you get?

nvm checked edit xD

Last edited by reCon,



I’ve had some pretty bad choke/loss problems since the engineer update, i dropped my rate to around 20/25k and it seems to have fixed the problem. might not work for you, but could be worth a try :)


i write in my soldier,scout and demoman.cfg different rate commands and all on the same server “nice-servers.com :: TF2 DM Server” (Sol=20000, Sc=25000, Demo=30000), my results:

Demoman (30000) = http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/9108/dem.jpg
Scout (25000) = http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/4070/26406560.jpg
Soldier (20000) = http://img716.imageshack.us/img716/6650/solx.jpg

any suggestions?



for a cpl of days i noticed choke on public servers (40-60) aswell.
but i rather think its a sv not a cl problem since it also comes with sv_fps drops. mostly happened to me on 24 player servers i wasnt able to check if it happens in 6v6 aswell yet.
at first i already thought it was fps drops since it occurs every now and then in a sudden stutter. using rate 35000 instead of 25000 gives me the feeling it works better though.


do you use win7?


Quoted from Hellfish

do you use win7?



try this http://www.sevenforums.com/gaming/31980-lag-online-games-windows-7-a.html
i had similar issues when i installed win7.


You can’t play with 12choke!? Pretty much got used to choke as soon as I started playing source based fps games. As for the update stutter I found http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1356735 helped. Didn’t totally resolve the problem but made is 10x better.



rate 50000
cl_interp 0.03


Quoted from Hellfish

try this http://www.sevenforums.com/gaming/31980-lag-online-games-windows-7-a.html
i had similar issues when i installed win7.

didn´t worked for me.. will test the other things out right now..


Quoted from FADe

You can’t play with 12choke!? Pretty much got used to choke as soon as I started playing source based fps games. As for the update stutter I found http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1356735 helped. Didn’t totally resolve the problem but made is 10x better.

placebo much… just tested and didnt have even 1fps improvment on timedemo

yet i do still have ~ -5-10 fps drop since update

Last edited by AnimaL,


Quoted from FADe

You can’t play with 12choke!? Pretty much got used to choke as soon as I started playing source based fps games. As for the update stutter I found http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1356735 helped. Didn’t totally resolve the problem but made is 10x better.

still got the choke problem…


No idea then sorry. Wasn’t a placebo for me, it improved the game. Before if say a scout was on my screen and he’d jump, my pc would freeze/struggle/stutter. Then in a split second I’m dead without seeing how it happened and my game cuts to a deathcam pic of the scout who is now around about 3 corners to where he killed me.
If you can’t totally get rid of choke, which I never really have been able to then below 15 should be playable. Wise up, turn netgraph off :)

Last edited by FADe,

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