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DM spawnpoints

Created 22nd July 2010 @ 23:35

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Hi, as we now have a death match plugin, it is necessary to have spawn points.
we already have: badlands, granary, gravelpit, freight (not final1, i wonder if those will work on the final1 tho). (we also habe fastlane, viaduct, and obscure_rc2 but we dont need those.)

So my question is, does anyone have spawnpoints for gullywash_imp3, freight_final1 and obscure_final?

it would be really nice, if somebody could post them here :)
thanks in advance :)

Last edited by Hunt3r,


I used to have them, they are pretty easy to add in to the plugin though, just find the .cfg file, get in-game on those maps and type “getpos” (I think) into console, and it prints a line of code to your console with exact details of where you are. All you then have to do is add a new section of code for each map and add the spawn points.



i kinda know how to do this, but why spend so much time doing that, when somebody maybe already has it.
but i have a lot of time tomorrow so, i might just do that :P


Ah right, didn’t take me that long tbh – I was doing it for maybe an hour and got 3 or 4 maps done

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