How to make so only the HP is shown?
Created 22nd July 2010 @ 13:23
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In the HUD, its for a clip – is there possible that instead of record the clip first without hud and then with hud and cut it out just to have the HP shown and not the rest?
should I just take everything except the CHudAccountPanel section away?
Quoted from Defur
should I just take everything except the CHudAccountPanel section away?
Make a backup of the file and just try it. Be careful though, you might actually learn something by yourself.
Quoted from Defur
should I just take everything except the CHudAccountPanel section away?
that file is for the metal settings as engineer
edit the hudlayout.res, set everything 0 except hudplayerhealth, or whatever its name and if you want a custom place for it, keep the same filename, hudplayerhealth.res
From hudlayout.res, HudAmmoWeapon is the bullets panel
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