TF2 Freeze
Created 19th July 2010 @ 01:13
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Hey everyone. Recently been having my tf2 freeze the moment I join a game. Have not changed anything which may have caused this. Help? xxxxx
No my tf2 completely crashes AFTER I join a server. As far as i can tell from your post is that you have the problem where you cannot join any servers when you update the server list.
If i’m wrong pls correct me
you tried out new vga-drivers i guess?
Try setting all cl_threaded_* and r_threaded_* variables to zero.
(Maybe r_queued_post_processing too)
Last edited by miikka,
done and done. still not working :(
EDIT: Ok so its the r_threaded commands. works now, thanks a lot :)
Last edited by FuguFish,
Try using -autoconfig in your launch properties thing, fixed my rig from crashing constantly.
Quoted from miikka
Try setting all cl_threaded_* and r_threaded_* variables to zero.
(Maybe r_queued_post_processing too)
r_threaded_particles is 1 by default, and works fine. It would decrease performance to set it to 0.
have the same problem ONLY WHEN I EXEC my Chris fps config.
My TF2 has also begun to crash whilst playing.
Any error boxes?
Just to eliminate, are you using a ATI card by chance? I recently updated the drivers on my HD 4870 and this seems to be a possible cause.
yeah i have an hd5850. Havet really checked for drivers in a while… hm. Thanks for the idea :)
Quoted from beta
My TF2 has also begun to crash whilst playing.
Any error boxes?
Just to eliminate, are you using a ATI card by chance? I recently updated the drivers on my HD 4870 and this seems to be a possible cause.
Hi my crash did not have any error boxes. Everything simply stopped when i joined a game. Seemed to me originally to be the hud which froze up as well (obviously wasnt). My net_graph froze, and the sound ingame was repeated again and again. Always had to close through task manager.
And yes I am using ATI HD4670 atm.
EDIT: now that my problem is resolved i think i know what the cause was. Recent update news…
Tuned thread initialization to improve performance on CPUs with more than four cores
I am using an i7 core which may be the cause of this if the update had a few bugs in it
Last edited by FuguFish,
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