source engine + view server info = LAG
Created 17th July 2010 @ 23:34
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Got a problem after tf2 engie update
when i open server browser, find a server to play in, and press view server info(or just double click to connect, which opens the window by it self) i get extreme lag spikes, whole net chokes, mmbl can disconnect of 20sec net timeout
the choking can happen up to 5min, with random intervals, usualy not more than 5 sec long and about 10-40sec intervals
now, it “might” be my router, but in such case – WTF are valve doing that it kills my router???
also when i direct connect from gamemenu.res i dont have any lags… when i retry i dont have any lags(if these 5min have passed)…
happens in css and tf2
a thing i cant rly explain – when recording vid and cpu usage for tf2 decreses as fps is capped, I dont get any more lags :/
SCRACH THAT – does happen even with video… so gonna make it
using w7 64bit, ping spike bug fixed long time ago, so dont tell me thats the case… i had it and its fixed, no other games have any bugs
fps_max 120, chris cfg by the book
Last edited by AnimaL,
its because the internet server list refreshes on its own… even if you start the serverbrowser in another tab…
Just go there and cancel it.
it’s one of those things like the filteroptions being open: imo that all was not intended, or they tried to to do somethin but it didnt really work out… (if you go with you mouse over the filter button before you click it you see it going down…)
ktnx fixed
can lock
btw, why isnt anyone else having this prob?? why am i the only one
Last edited by AnimaL,
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