TF2 Polycount, Meet the 1850 Team
Created 12th July 2010 @ 22:37
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Scroll down a bit and check out these models designed with the B&W picture from the Loose Canon comic in mind. Fantastic stuff.
So far there’s the Soldier, the Heavy, the Demo, the Pyro and there’s a link on the page that leads to the Engy. Engy and Solly take the cake so to speak.
Swizzle designed the Solly, the Heavy and the Engy. All the best ones basically. Pyro seems fairly cobbled together but the Demo is interesting.
you could have just posted this in the Polycount thread that was created just a few hours ago… l2read
Quoted from dougiie
you could have just posted this in the Polycount thread that was created just a few hours ago… l2read
Don’t mad
Quoted from poxie
Don’t mad
I’m Mad
Stop being mad and start being awesome.
Quoted from Cla
awesome models, especially the soldier
Also his weapon/hat packs for medic and demo look pretty sweet.
Quoted from dougiie
you could have just posted this in the Polycount thread that was created just a few hours ago… l2read
Lol… I noticed the thread thank you but I thought I’d open this subject up and make a different discussion as the Polycount thread is mostly about the competition. But cheers anyway mate, I will strive to achieve the levels of intellect you so rightfully require from people.
Quoted from Cla
awesome models, especially the soldier
Yeah the same guy who did the solly also did the heavy and the engy and they are by far my favourites. Absolutely top notch models.
Note also that this comes from the guy who desgined the Pain Train.
Ironically this guy’s entries for the polycount contest ( and were also my favourites. Hopefully Valve will see the light.
Medic with Wilhelm’s War Bucket = orsm.
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