Blut vs Needle
Created 10th July 2010 @ 18:30
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Don’t give me the personal preference bs. I want to know what you prefer!
Needles are better because of better base health regeneration unless your team is bad and you have to shoot things a lot.
My mom told me that needles doesn’t hurt, but she lied, now i am afraid from needles because of that.
If playing in d5/6 use bluts because scouts don’t know how to dodge, anything higher than that use needles.
Pretty sure I heard Byte in one of his casts say that he uses blut as it suits his teams play style more.
Blut. The people using the needles don’t even make use of the weapon and still panic around charging for the health on the other side of the map.
Last edited by Traxantic,
Personal preference.
Needles, because any reasonable health advantage from blut can be made up for quickly with the extra 3hp/sec, and considering how little a medic normally fights the regen makes it superior, imo.
They should change blut to -1 hp/sec instead of 2 hp/sec tbh.
Would make it a better sidegrade
Quoted from octochris
If playing in d5/6 use bluts because scouts don’t know how to dodge, anything higher than that use needles.
I’ve recently started playing with the bluts and it appears Chris is right.
I now go for an enemy scout instead of a healthpack!
Last edited by Spike Himself,
Needles for sure, love them <3 :D
Übersaw and wait around the corner
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