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New Pickup Channel

Created 6th July 2010 @ 14:46

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must have !motw or i will bite your face off @ lan


class spots please!



I’d really like to help in this :)



Does it have to be irc? Why not just a website like lobby but passworded or something. Then you can have links that work and all kinds a shizzle.

No doubt this is the stupidest post in this thread, for some reason that I have no clue about, but if lobby can do it, why not.

Edit: Ahh, monies no doubt?

Last edited by Monkeh,

Spike Himself


My programmer-sense is tingling!

Can’t help but to share some random thoughts:

!register — register with the irc bot so it knows you and can store info on you etc

!init [skill level[s]] — initiates a new pickup game aimed at the specified skill level, example: !init div5 div4 – would initiate a game where div4 and div5 people can join
people’s skill levels are determined by post-match votes (??), or by admins. new players = div6 unless admins decide otherwise

!cancel — the opposite of !init

!find [skill level[s]] — list available pickups for the specified skill level(s)

!info [pickup number] — lists available classes etc etc for a pickup

!add [pickup number] [class] — add yourself to a pickup (pickup number identifies the specific pickup you want to add yourself to) the bot will compare your skill level to what the pickup is set to and will allow or deny your participation

!remove — obvious, right?

Might give it more thought if anyone dares to care.



if you are to do it, class slots please.


Quoted from Spike Himself

My programmer-sense is tingling!

Can’t help but to share some random thoughts:

!register — register with the irc bot so it knows you and can store info on you etc

!init [skill level[s]] — initiates a new pickup game aimed at the specified skill level, example: !init div5 div4 – would initiate a game where div4 and div5 people can join
people’s skill levels are determined by post-match votes (??), or by admins. new players = div6 unless admins decide otherwise

!cancel — the opposite of !init

!find [skill level[s]] — list available pickups for the specified skill level(s)

!info [pickup number] — lists available classes etc etc for a pickup

!add [pickup number] [class] — add yourself to a pickup (pickup number identifies the specific pickup you want to add yourself to) the bot will compare your skill level to what the pickup is set to and will allow or deny your participation

!remove — obvious, right?

Might give it more thought if anyone dares to care.

That definitley wouldnt work imo. That would take pickups ages to start. I think it should just be a copy of pu1 and cant you make links to automatically join games? eg. steam//connect(or something like that?)



captains plz



Quoted from WARHURYEAH

captains plz

fuck no.



Quoted from WARHURYEAH

captains plz

I personally think that imitating the American system is a good idea

Spike Himself


Quoted from RareSpycrab

That definitley wouldnt work imo

Why not? Wasn’t it the entire idea not to play with people having a huge difference in skill level?



One of the appeals to this kind of thing from a div6 perspective, is the chance to play with some higher skilled players and leech some tactics, play styles, jumps or whatever from the higher skill guys and gals. A random ‘Div 6 mix’ wouldn’t really appeal, I’d rather go lobby and hope some higher skill players turn up there.

Less segregation, more class slots please.

Last edited by Monkeh,



just replicate pug2?

IE have a command link on the mumble that launches tf2, this would make people join mumble because otherwise they cant get into the game :/

class specific slots is good because then you dont get some little kid qqing about the fact that he cant play demoman.

A banning system would be nice :)

I must say i would love to see some sort of bonus things for a MOTW as its an incentive to play the bloody class.



Quoted from Monkeh

Less segregation, more class slots please.

Ye, thats bassically my biggest gripe with TF2lobby. Takes away the social/random aspects of the game that make it fun. :<



ctrl+c the old pickup2/invite. never had any issues with that system. med slots + 10 and some of the neat newer features such as med map votes counting for more and making players medic after x pickups without doing so.

nice idea skyride, I was really disappointed coming back to find the pickup chans dead.

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