Pickups are dead.what now?
Created 6th July 2010 @ 00:20
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Quoted from ShellShock
Granted lobby matches are hit and miss, but you can get some great matches on there, all it takes is someone to take charge of comms and you’re fit to go.
Quoted from lolage
Whats happening with pug 1.5?
There’s no people for pickup 1, and you’re seriously considering dividing the people who are left into two groups?
Quoted from Grem
Its the summer. Go outside and play.
this, if your weather is ok
Last edited by ups,
Quoted from Grem
Its the summer. Go outside and play.
What is this ‘outside’ of which you speak? It sounds big and scary and bright!
how are you still not banned from posting on the forums monkeh?:D
Quoted from kuma
how are you still not banned from posting on the forums monkeh?:D
Shhhh, dont tell my team…..
Also: Quoted from kuma
but I have managed to get to div 3 level in less than 100 days.
Check your profile man!
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6on6] Monkeh 210 days ago
So, ermm, Div 4 level after 200 days :P !
God you’re such a liar!
<3 Kuma
Last edited by Monkeh,
Quoted from Monkeh
Joined nervousENERGY BLU [6on6] Monkeh 210 days ago
So, ermm, Div 4 level after 200 days :P !
God you’re such a liar!<3 Kuma
Or perhaps he’s been at a div 4 level for 110 days now! :P
Quoted from tarmo-
trololo, 10-20 finnish pugs daily. too bad that you can’t play there! :D!
we would all fold tbh
Quoted from Oster
Spiderpig, I saw you getting raped on lobby. Stop complaining about not finding decent players to play with.
Seriously,dont want to start a flame war..but you try playing constantly against two scouts while the other scout is pretty much walking by the map doing jumps..When the only player who is actually talking on your team has a shitty mic and you cant understand shit.
When i came the first time to lobby,i came back from retirement,didnt touch tf2 for months..
The day i played with you was my 2nd day after i came back.
Dont judge so played one match with me.
Im not saying you cant find decent players in lobby,
im saying you would barely find decent players in lobby.
And thats after playing 10 matches,and already getting asked questions like
“Whats the best class in tf2?”
“How can you do a sticky jump”
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