TF2 causes my internet to time out
Created 21st June 2010 @ 23:01
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I was playing TF2 fine with no problem all day. Then some time this evening, I started getting 5 second timeouts with about 10 second intervals. The timeouts affected both TF2 and the rest of my internet activities (like mumble, browsing etc).
I quit the game, and no problem for several hours. As soon as I get on a server, it doesn’t take more than a few minutes before the timeout problem comes back. Again, quitting TF2 makes the problem go away.
What’s up? Anybody had similar problems?
Things that I’ve tried: Restarting the machine; Restarting router; Turning router off for an extended period of time.
Last edited by torden,
Hmm, I had the same thing where only tf2 would crash my net. I think it was a virus because since I have a new virus scanner it hasn’t happened anymore >.<
had this with my old router, i upgraded the firmware and it worked. Also iirc, playing around with the DMZ setting also worked. Not sure if it was enabled or disabled.
Quoted from Linus
…DMZ setting also worked. Not sure if it was enabled or disabled.
did you browse through any other boards for people having same problem? maybe its a problem with particular configuration? changed any administrative setting in windows (unless you are using mac :P)? maybe installed new program which runs in background?
by the look of it it could be problem with your isp (assuming you did everything you said to the router), probably not tf2, unless you have really high rates – my game behaved same way when i increased my net settings in tf2
Last edited by Biohazard,
i had 100% same thing when was in uk with BT-online connection… mmbl + tf2 = internet crash
i think i fixed it by enabling TCP mode in mmbl, not sure, cuz i changed isp soon enough :D
also, any chance of u using lame usb wireless?
Last edited by AnimaL,
Hey thanks for all the responses so far. I haven’t installed anything in the time between when it was working and when it wasn’t. And yes, it’s on a pc.
@animal: No, it’s not a USB wireless. And the problem occurs (seemingly) independent of Mumble. I’ve tried with skype too.
Last edited by torden,
I used to get a similar problem. Whenever I’d load up the master server list in tf2 or css it would fail, then I’d tab out and find that my internet had timed apart from any pre-existing connections (irc, mumble, etc).
No idea how to solve it as it just sort of went away without my realising, but maybe it feels good to know you aren’t alone <3.
i have this problem all the time atm, game will crash out at sending client info and drop the net.
The possibility that it is rates with a BT line would make sense, im using bt too. it could be one of two things:
1. bt homehub is shockingly bad and doesnt like the high frequency of packets
2. bt’s network infrastructure could hate the high packet frequency and bomb ur line.
any insight? i hope its the homehub because i cant wait to replace it
adjusted any net settings in tf2 recently? Also does it happen on one particular server or on all of them? Try deleting your cfg folder (make sure to back it up first :))
I have this with Left 4 Dead 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 only. I always lose connection to the server whenever I try to connect to it from the lobby (when I reconnect after my ghost has dropped it works fine) and when I quit L4D2 I can’t load any site for a few minutes (connections that were already up are not affected). After that it works fine again..
Sounds like a router problem to me.
Last edited by ups,
Looks like it might be down to the router being overloaded, yes. Problems could be A: Antivirus (Avast, just won’t let me remove :( ) B: Router needs updating (ISP has blocked this) C: Steam download settings (trying this one out).
Last edited by torden,
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