scouts - post your mouse settings
Created 13th June 2010 @ 15:50
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started using 30cm/360 when scouting (deathadder, everglide titan)
huge increase in accuracy
huge increase in shoulder pain
1800dpi , 1 ingame
Quoted from freshmeatt
gotta be kidding.
i use 56. :O
weeeellll… cba to change it :( without even a decent mousemat….
7/11 windows
1800 dpi
2.7 ingame
Quoted from Sturmis
You’re doing it wrong.
I remember this pain years ago, gradually the forarm became rooted to the table and all moving was done with wrist. If I try that now with such a high sens I literally feel “seasick”. (Hmm puke after a match or shoulder arthiritis nice choice :D)
In all seriousness it’s probably slouching that puts the elbow below the level of the mouse then the upper-arm/shoulder muscles get more and more tense.
So… here’s another question – do you support your elbow and “pivot” on an arm-rest or does your arm just “hang” there?
Last edited by strut,
Quoted from strut
I remember this pain years ago, gradually the forarm became rooted to the table and all moving was done with wrist. If I try that now with such a high sens I literally feel “seasick”. (Hmm puke after a match or shoulder arthiritis nice choice :D)
In all seriousness it’s probably slouching that puts the elbow below the level of the mouse then the upper-arm/shoulder muscles get more and more tense.
So… here’s another question – do you support your elbow and “pivot” on an arm-rest or does your arm just “hang” there?
don’t have terrible posture and it won’t be a problem. plenty of guides on ergonomics and PC use on the net, find one.
Quoted from fJack
plenty of guides on ergonomics and PC use on the net, find one.
Yeah, or ask actual TF2 players if they support their elbow or not. Don’t be a tit mate.
Lol, feel likes i got high sens when ppl go 30cm for a 360 ;D
I only got a 20cm mousepad so i go about 15-17 cm for a 360.
Think it’s 1800 dpi, 2.2 ingame sens, Deathadder mouse.
4000dpi / 5.5 in razer (lachesis) , standart windows , 7.3 ingame
I would suggest raising the height of your chair or lowering your desk if you can (or both) so that you’re sitting quite high up.
Move your mousepad as close to the edge of desk as possible and perpendicular to your arm which should be reasonably straight in profile from shoulder down to wrist when mouse is in middle of the mousemat.
Sit with the small of your back as far back into chair as possible so you’re sitting more upright.
Prop your monitor up on something to raise it’s height if it seems like it is too low after doing this. Your eyes should be more or less in line with the top of your display.
Go practice DM for a while to get used to new setup -> Profit.
Steelseries Xai
Windows 7
400 dpi
1.4 sensitivity
Steelseries QCK+ (actually i’m using some other cloth mat now but can’t remember its name).
In real terms, roughly a full wrist movement from right to left = 90 degree turn
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