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Created 13th June 2010 @ 01:29

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Ok, leta take an example: green solly vs scout.
better to use /care or /gtfo on those situations? I think /gtfo cause /care seem to me easy to dodge for average troll

Last edited by broesel,



Quoted from Stew


Badlands : choke might qualify for open, but i wouldnt call it flat

Well : from walls to train and from train to the gates is like 3×30 meters.. not much of an open area

Granary : If granary’s choke is open you just made me lol.

Gravelpit : The only open area is next to B where the medpack is. I don’t see any other flat spaces.

PS. BuGGy, if the scout stays away from the solly, that would affect him as well. I mean in matter of damage. Or as somebody said in this thread – when the scout gets away, jump and chase him.

The outside area on well is pretty flat, as well as the push towards last. Not as big as badlands yard but still.

Granary yard is pretty damn flat and there is still quite a lot of fighting going on there.

The left side of b also qualifies as flat, since in normal combat the rock there doesn’t play a major role (by the time you get up there you would have taken so much dmg you lose anyways).



Who cares, its fucking annoying to play against, would anyone who actually has a fucking clue about this game like to contest that? No?

End of discussion.


@stew. Ya it also influence him, but the point is at this distance TDH isnt as effective as RL is (tell me if im wrong), so i dont see why its a “anti-scout” wep. And that all div1 plays RL says also something about that point



DH is worse in every way but air-shots and how many them do you attempt in a match? then figure how many you’d attempt once the enemy know you’re using DH – I love playing scout against DH soldiers.

Only problem I find playing against DH soldiers is when I’m sniping or playing heavy, it’s very hard to un-scope and dodge the rockets and for the heavy it’s just brutal.



Quoted from Skyride

Who cares, its fucking annoying to play against, would anyone who actually has a fucking clue about this game like to contest that? No?

End of discussion.

Who cares, NATASCHA is fucking annoying to play against, would anyone who actually has a fucking clue about this game like to contest that? No?

End of discussion.

Who cares,DEAD RINGER SPIES are fucking annoying to play against, would anyone who actually has a fucking clue about this game like to contest that? No?

End of discussion.

Who cares, FULL-CHARGED BODYSHOTS are fucking annoying to play against, would anyone who actually has a fucking clue about this game like to contest that? No?

End of discussion.


Quoted from Stew


From the experience I have from playing with TDH for quite a time, it’s nearly impossible for scouts to dodge rocket from close range. If the scouts showed some unpredictable dodge, i just waited untill they started to repeat the dodge pattern. If they double jumped, i simply waited to see the direction they are heading after the second jump and I killed them. The point is that TDH is something like specially designed anti-scout railgun from close range. :)

lol in that time you would be 10 times dead



I think Valve were a bit too imaginative with the dh, they took away the essence of a “rocket” launcher and have made what can only logically be described as a colossal rifle. Btw the dh can also be useful for picking off medics, especially when they are pushing through choke on Badlands ^^
+1 Ban


Valva failed the meaning of Rocketlauncher thats true. Now its a Sniper launcher LOL!?!?
But u even can dodge a DH solly with demo or soldier unless its point black so its sure not OP. It has strength. Airshots, huge dmg if u surprise ur enemies
One point i dont get: Is it banned atm? and if not, why noone use it, especially for 1on1 encounters


Delete DH, give normal rockets 998ups speed.


Quoted from BuGGy

One point i dont get: Is it banned atm? and if not, why noone use it, especially for 1on1 encounters

Yes. It is banned for the time being fortunately. Rare people use it because its less versatile and more unrealible than the regular rocket launcher.

Last edited by pena,

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