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Server questions

Created 8th June 2010 @ 06:18

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I downloaded the dedicated server tool and I have some questions.
First of all why when I try to join the server it says Steam Validation rejected??
“All servers used for ETF2L matches need to have the ETF2L League Config [Link] loaded after every map change.”
Where should I put the config file. In the server folder in cfg/server.cfg ??
And third: WHen I add my server to fav it appears but when I refresh it disappears

Try using the verify switch, the hlds update tool can be flakey, something like

HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game tf -dir E:rej-tf2-war -retry -verify_all

also you may have missed something in your startup line.. here is an example :)

E:rej-tf2-warorangeboxsrcds.exe -console -game tf -port 27100 +ip +rcon_password "xxxxxx" +hostname "!! xxxxxx | matchbox | uk |" +map dm_granary +servercfgfile server_pro.cfg +mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt -heapsize 256000 -tickrate 66 +fps_max 600 +sv_pure 2 +maxplayers 16 +tv_enable 1 +tv_maxclients 30 +tv_port 27105 +tv_name "!! xxxxxxx | Match TV | UK !" -nocrashdialog

the etf2l.cfg needs to be dropped into cfg directory and can be executed via rcon from in the game or hlsw etc externally (http://www.hlsw.org/)

if you need a hand, add me on steam this evening :)

Last edited by sick-lizard,





thanks to both of you. i will add you when i get home lizard



What are you running this server on?

If its on your PC, thats not going to be any good for running a TF2 match server (unless you have an exceptionally amazing internet connection).

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