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Chris' FPS configs

Created 6th June 2010 @ 15:17

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Do a lowres and a highres test too.



Quoted from dotfloat™

Do a lowres and a highres test too.

The computer I’m testing on is not powerful enough to run above 640×480.

I have two choices.

My main machine (Phenom II x4 940 OC/OV@ 3.4GHz, 4GB 1066 5-5-5-18 RAM, GTX260 OC/OV) which will show pretty much no difference between the main contenders, and a bad laptop I have (Dell Studio 1535 I think), which barely runs it, which illustrates the sort of machine that people desperate for a config are likely to use.

There is no point in doing it on the former machine — it illustrates nothing.



Quoted from octochris


Which config are you using?

If you’re talking about this (http://i46.tinypic.com/8z4kud.jpg — you love my ms paint skills), that is controlled by mat_picmip.

i see why you’re a medic, you aim like shit.



Quoted from Mordi


i see why you’re a medic, you aim like shit.


had some problems with lining up the graphs (especially with m0refps which seems to have some element of lag) but will have them all nicely lined up in the morning. all the benchmarking is done. :)



mat_showlowresimage “1” is so great. It looks like Quake.
Such a shame the game becomes unplayable because of HUD/crosshairs/windows glitchs…

It would be awesome if the game could be played this way.



Results are up here: http://fakkelbrigade.eu/chris/configs/stats/fpscomparison.png (unsmoothed — http://fakkelbrigade.eu/chris/configs/stats/fpscomparison-unsmoothed.png )

Average FPS:

Chris’ maxframes: 39.22
Chris’ highframes: 38.16
Chris’ moreframes: 29.32
m0re’s fps: 23.74
m0re’s highfps: 26.70
Quantum’s highfps: 24.10
Quantum’s ultrahighfps: 25.72

Average improvement from m0re’s highfps:

Chris’ maxframes: 32.86%
Chris’ highframes: 30.41%
Chris’ moreframes: 9.58%

Average improvement from Quantum’s ultrahighfps:

Chris’ maxframes: 34.50%
Chris’ highframes: 32.24%
Chris’ moreframes: 11.83%

Maximum FPS (max fps doesn’t really mean much):

Chris’ maxframes: 175
Chris’ highframes: 169
Chris’ moreframes: 131
m0re’s fps: 155
m0re’s highfps: 152
Quantum’s highfps: 119
Quantum’s ultrahighfps: 128

Minimum FPS (min fps doesn’t really mean much either):

Chris’ maxframes: 7
Chris’ highframes: 7
Chris’ moreframes: 5
m0re’s fps: 5
m0re’s highfps: 7
Quantum’s highfps: 8
Quantum’s ultrahighfps: 5

This was done on the computer shown in the images below:


This computer is the closest I have to the typical computer in need of an FPS config, it’s perhaps a bit worse than the average.

If anyone wants to do some testing by themselves please feel free to do so! Would love to see results from different spec computers.



Quoted from octochris


This was done on the computer shown in the images below:


Nice laptop…….ohai config


Pretty nice config.
Roughly the same fps as m0res, perhaps it drops under 90 a bit less often.
Running the best quality fps config one (can’t remember the name) in dx9.
It’s slighty odd but the characters look cell-shaded :)
Does seem to crash on any map with water.

Quoted from Anathema

It’s slighty odd but the characters look cell-shaded :)



hi chris , i need your net settings which was in your old config (in maxframes)



Quoted from Rupheñ

hi chris , i need your net settings which was in your old config (in maxframes)


skip to the ‘network settings’ bit



Probably a silly question but I installed the moreframes cfg, just wondering is it meant to cap at 120fps? And the bright green fps counter is annoying the shit out of me. :D



Quoted from Snyyppis

Probably a silly question but I installed the moreframes cfg, just wondering is it meant to cap at 120fps?

Quoted from octochris

I am making a quick change to the fps_max to put it to 120 simply seeing the demographic that these configs are appealing to.



Quoted from Snyyppis

Probably a silly question but I installed the moreframes cfg, just wondering is it meant to cap at 120fps? And the bright green fps counter is annoying the shit out of me. :D

it is intended to be capped at 120fps, almost nobody has a monitor that goes over 120hz, it both keeps temps down and also keeps the framerate more consistent.

as for the fps counter, change cl_showfps to 0 in the autoexec.



Oh cool, cheers for the quick reply!

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