Created 25th May 2010 @ 01:50
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Quoted from Admirable
So I get back on Steam right…
WeMadeFux Admirable: yeah well ill not type it out in irc again ;D
GnuEN: yup 2 easy
I remember posting my q login details in irc :DD
you didn’t really type your password out in irc, did you?
I messed up something with the /q login command or whatever it was and I hit enter and it came up in the public chat :D
Oh wait…
Last edited by Atty,
Quoted from Admirable
GnuEN: sry about i deleted all your friends and get a new password
GnuEN is now Offline.
Quoted from Taoism
you didn’t really type your password out in irc, did you?
We’ll when your password is I’mBestMedicInEurope it sort of comes up a lot D:
You use the same password between programs?
Wow, what sort of person does that? D:
One password to rule them all.
Quoted from Admirable
One password to rule them all.
save yourself the hassle next time :)
Quoted from octochris
save yourself the hassle next time :)
The experience has been an eye opener for me, thank you GnuEN <3
Quoted from octochris
save yourself the hassle next time :)
Great. Why just use different passwords when you can leave them all in one convient location, easily accessible by one password! :D
Was indeed an…interesting read.
I once got my account hacked by a keylogger who had hacked a friend of mine, being a few years back though I am glad I learnt my lesson fast and got it back from steam Support after a week.
Glad you got it back, now…track him down and claim his testicles which rightly belong in your blender.
Just use one (hard to guess) base password and add for example the first or last 2 letters of the URL you are visiting to it.
Last edited by RaCio,
Quoted from RaCio
Just use one (hard to guess) base password and add for example the first or last 2 letters of the URL you are visiting to it.
ww? or ht?
Quoted from Andee
I use a braille keyboard. So its impossible to use a keylogger on me.
I have seen you play, this does not surprise me :D
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