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USSR flag

Created 1st May 2010 @ 20:35

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why would you even want an USSR flag for your team :s

you wouldnt use the Nazi flag for clans that have players from austria, switzerland, germany and france on their roster would you =?



Why would something that doesnt exist anymore need a flag? Just why?
As there were said before then we could have prussian and roman empire flag, aswell.



I approve.


Quoted from n00ne


It’s even funny how much of an idiot you are :D

Protip: Read both sentences.

Quoted from Manu

why would you even want an USSR flag for your team :s

you wouldnt use the Nazi flag for clans that have players from austria, switzerland, germany and france on their roster would you =?

No, because france was an ally while switzerland didn’t even bother to take part in ww2 :D

(Not saying I’d ever use a nazi flag :9)



This thread is so stupid xD

The USSR doesn’t exist any more plus its offensive to people therefore adding the USSR flag is stupid.

Why don’t we chuck in the imperial and republic flags from star wars as well? ¬_¬


if you are going to add the USSR Flag, pls also add the flags from:

*Star Wars
*and some fancy pirate flags …

(ran out if ideas to show, how stupid this thread is!!!)

Quoted from Manu

you wouldnt use the Nazi flag for clans that have players from austria, switzerland, germany and france on their roster would you =?

Switzerland never was nazi :p



This thread stupid because of 3 things:
– topicstarter must wrote D2M instead requesting this on forum, because
– so much racists here and russian haters
– and 3rd because we’re answering on his question.



sorry my bad ;p

Quoted from Rele

No, because france was an ally while switzerland didn’t even bother to take part in ww2 :D

(Not saying I’d ever use a nazi flag :9)

ye but france was still part of nazi-germany.



Quoted from Evil

This thread stupid because of 3 things:
– topicstarter must wrote D2M instead requesting this on forum, because
– so much racists here and russian haters
– and 3rd because we’re answering on his question.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?



The amount of debate in this topic is probably a good indication as to whether or not the USSR flag will be added i think. For some it seems to still have a heavy load, but some comparisons are a bit over the top though :P

This thread has made its point though and it’s getting a bit out of hand, so:

[img key=imgposter]http://deneusbeer.nl/tf2/locked.jpeg[/img]

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