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Disable random pipe spin

Created 5th April 2021 @ 02:31

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Dr. med.

Hey there, just wondering why “sm_remove_pipe_spin 1” is not part of the etf2l config? It would only be a small change that removes the inconsistencies and randomness that stock pipes have.
Any thoughts?


Inspiration for this post: https://youtu.be/xe0P0rnsS1Q?t=46



am replying late and also to the not most relevant part of the plugins but it is a purely visual change, pipes still have variance in their accuracy from when they’re shot, go try it out on a server if you want. Both where they land and the way rollers roll are still random and the amount is probably not reduced at all by this. I just think it looks freaky, makes stock pipes look like LnL.

England mak FP



Dr. med.

Firstly, thanks for the reply.
Secondly, sorry, but mak is wrong here. I recreated the footage of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAARoaRBrlg
The random spin does have a significant impact on the radius where the grenades land and explode. While it does not change how the physics of the profectiles are calculated, it does impact how far the grenades travel and how far they are spread out at their destination. Yes, the test is on a flat surface, but that does not invalidate my point.

I don’t understand the argument of visual problems, for the loch-n-load and grenade launcher have different firing sounds. That is like saying the direct hit is “freaky” because it uses the same projectiles as stock.


based LionKing

mak FP


Quoted from LionKing

Firstly, thanks for the reply.
Secondly, sorry, but mak is wrong here. I recreated the footage of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAARoaRBrlg
The random spin does have a significant impact on the radius where the grenades land and explode. While it does not change how the physics of the profectiles are calculated, it does impact how far the grenades travel and how far they are spread out at their destination. Yes, the test is on a flat surface, but that does not invalidate my point.

I don’t understand the argument of visual problems, for the loch-n-load and grenade launcher have different firing sounds. That is like saying the direct hit is “freaky” because it uses the same projectiles as stock.

ur Wrong


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from LionKing

Firstly, thanks for the reply.
Secondly, sorry, but mak is wrong here. I recreated the footage of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAARoaRBrlg
The random spin does have a significant impact on the radius where the grenades land and explode. While it does not change how the physics of the profectiles are calculated, it does impact how far the grenades travel and how far they are spread out at their destination. Yes, the test is on a flat surface, but that does not invalidate my point.

Watched the video, looks like to me that with the randomness all of the pipes exploded consistently within a box of 1400 CubicHammerUnits, as comparison according to the wiki a dispenser has a volume of almost 200’000 CubicHammerUnits.
Considering that in any TF2 Scrimm you will launch several hundred pipes, it becomse absolutely predictable in what area your pipes will explode. So the initial arguement of “removes the inconsistencies and randomness that stock pipes have.” is totally potato. The video clearly shows that spamming of a large amount of pipe is high reproducible making the notion of inconsistence and randomness in pipes simply false.


Dr. med.

Quoted from HartzFartz


Watched the video, looks like to me that with the randomness all of the pipes exploded consistently within a box of 1400 CubicHammerUnits, as comparison according to the wiki a dispenser has a volume of almost 200’000 CubicHammerUnits.
Considering that in any TF2 Scrimm you will launch several hundred pipes, it becomse absolutely predictable in what area your pipes will explode. So the initial arguement of “removes the inconsistencies and randomness that stock pipes have.” is totally potato. The video clearly shows that spamming of a large amount of pipe is high reproducible making the notion of inconsistence and randomness in pipes simply false.

While I agree with your statement, I disagree with your logic behind it.
If I understand correctly, what you are saying is that there is a certain randomness to it, but to an extend that you would describe as non-impactful for the game. Is it a minor change that will most likely not have a big impact on gameplay? Absolutely. Do I still think it should be changed? Yes, and here is why:

You say that the randomness “evens out” after a couple of hundred shots and you will know where your pipes will explode. That same logic could be applied for random bullet spread. After a couple hundred of shots the randomness would also balance itself out. And I don’t agree with that.
Your are right, my wording may be overexaggerated when I say it “removes” randomness and inconsistencies from the default pipes. But it certainly does lower the randomness. In my opinion, the randomness in a competetive environment should be kept at an absolute minimun, regardless whether the affect on the gameplay would be large or small. And in this case, while the impact may be indeed minor, it still has one and should be changed.

At least give it a try for maybe the next season and gather some feedback from the community, it’s not like the grenade launcher is going to replace the iron bomber as the most viable weapon for comp demos anytime soon.

Last edited by LionKing,

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