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ETF2L 6v6 Season 26 Preseason Cup: Feedback

Created 28th December 2016 @ 18:13

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– bagel was really good, probably better than viaduct.

– warmfront and edifice, meh at best.



I would really love to see bagel sometime in the season. The map has a lot of potential in my opinion and it is much better than viaduct. Very intense and almost no stalemates. Every class feels enjoyable, unlike viaduct where being soldier is pretty much a pain in the ass.

Regarding edifice, personally I like it though C is pretty pretty hard to capture, they should increase the cap time. I wouldn’t mind playing it either, but I would rather play gravelpit instead, though as Mould said, the format was dropped not because gpit was a bad map, in fact, I think we all agree it was good but we couldn’t be arsed to schedule a pcw and spend 1 hour playing it.

Warmfront… I like the map overall as well, but honestly that last point is too big so it is difficult to push. I would love to see other maps coming back though. Obscure and Freight would be amazing.

Last edited by caeli,

Chill Collins

Best map of the cup by far and really enjoyable to play. Should be added to the map pool imo or at least have it in the vote for next season’s map pool. Plays really well, sniper is not too op, soldier is not too up (both compared to product).

Interesting and fresh format, but as pointed out before games take way too long to finish as there is no timelimit. Pushing C literally gave everyone aids as the cap time decreases as fast as usain bolt and the spawn timers for red are simply too short.

Not bad but not good either, and definitely not better than the existing 5cp maps.



– bagel: really fun, definetly more enjoyable compared to product;
– edifice: I’m not a fan of A/D maps, for me it’s the same aids as gravelpit. A/D is basically not for 6s, at least not with maps we currently have;
– warmfront: I like it a lot, real fun. I actually like last, you just need to know how to defend it.

I’d also very much like to see cp_cardinal in the pool, the map from the previous cup.


(ETF2L Donator)

+1 to what ash said



I would like to see warmfront in the list of the maps for season 26


Thanks for all the feedback on koth_bagel guys, I just put out a new version based on feedback/observing games, hopefully it makes it more fun to play.

Last edited by yrr,



– cp_edifice_rc1
The format of this map made for an extremely strenuous game… the idea of attack and defence in 6s is proven by this preseason cup not to work. It is hard for blue team to attack C point… we found this last to be extremely hard to do anything with unless you managed to completely wipe the red team (which is very hard to do given blue uber will be used first due to an extreme height advantage to red holding the spire). We found the C capture rate was slow in relation to the red spawn rate as after fights had taken place, it was unlikely that many (if any) blue team members would still be alive to start capping and thus an entire red team would respawn to fight one or two half health members of blue. In all the games we played and from feedback from other teams we played, the C point is extremely red sided. Points A and B also have similar issues, red can simply hold in the connecting space and rotate points accordingly, and because of the slow capture rate of both points it is extremely hard to maintain any ground gained on each point. Overall we found this map awful to play on either side, as every team we played either got rolled extremely quickly having cap time on both points and a red team wipe, pushing forward to last before red spawners to gain the high ground… or pushes from blue side continuing to fail over and over (we held C for almost 13 minutes avoiding 7 pushes, and held B for 8 in another game). Also the 6v6 format of classes is completely gone, we didn’t face a single team that didn’t run an off class and it made for game play relying totally on the off classes to initiate pushes (snipers or spies looking to drop the heavy or medic generally). Although it is a viable option to run an off class in 6v6 (and it happens across various maps on last holds), using a permanent off class seems like a forced fixture in this map. For these reason I hope this map is not added to the map pool, but I’m glad we tried it in the pre-season cup to establish whether or not it would work (which it definitely did not).

– koth_bagel_b3a
Bagel proved to be a very good map, with an even playing field on both sides. A difficult map to forward hold on, meaning that fights were generally based over the central point. The map does not really favour any particular class and fights were often very back and forth over who was holding the objective point making for a close and fast paced game. The structure of the map is very good in that there is equal opportunity for both teams to make good pushes and holds and for us when we played this map, it felt very natural and easy to play on and we enjoyed some close games during the preseason. This is definitely a viable map for the upcoming season, and it is nice to have a new map which really fits with the 6v6 format.

– cp_warmfront
Sadly we were only able to play this map once during the pre-season cup as it was a decider in the playoff brackets. We found that the map was good fun to play on, and a welcome break from the standard 5cp maps we are used to. The map does have a lot of potential. However, the mid fights would generally be one sided, with whichever team gaining more positioning and and more numbers onto mid first generally winning. Saying this, the variation of access points to the mid did mean that the mid would need co-ordination to win. The second point is quite hard to hold, however still has some viable holds to make it plausible. The last is very open in the centre, and the point is very far away from the access points into the mid, meaning that if you took an entrance which wasn’t the closest one (on the right), you ran the risk of using an uber, dropping players to spam and a fighting a counter uber without yours before any fights really begins. We found that pushing last was fine however, so long as you approached it correctly and with a thought out plan, and this also goes for the holding aspect of the last point.

The structure/schedule of the cup:

The overall structure of the cup was okay, the initial group stages were good giving us a chance to test each map. It was a shame that when we were at knockout stages, we were not able to play warmfront as it was a permanent decider map in the games we played and since none of our games went to a decider, we didn’t play it and i’m sure this was the same for many other teams. It is likely that this map has an underlined disadvantage in feedback as it will not have been played to a fair proportion in comparison to the other maps featured in the cup.



Quoted from Zip

The overall structure of the cup was okay, the initial group stages were good giving us a chance to test each map. It was a shame that when we were at knockout stages, we were not able to play warmfront as it was a permanent decider map in the games we played and since none of our games went to a decider, we didn’t play it and i’m sure this was the same for many other teams. It is likely that this map has an underlined disadvantage in feedback as it will not have been played to a fair proportion in comparison to the other maps featured in the cup.

Thanks for providing such an indepth response. The main two maps of this cup were bagel and edifice as they both had not been tested before and have active developers. Warmfront was run previously by etf2l in s1 and s9, while this was a long time ago and is worth retesting. The developers of the map have longs moved on from it.

We wanted to test bagel and edifice and as such gave them the most play time, warmfront was used as a third map as it had been requested for testing a few times by some prem players.

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