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ETF2L 6v6 Season 25 Preseason Cup: Feedback

Created 21st August 2016 @ 19:28

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The cowmangler’s alt shot is basically just crit rockets when ever you want, I really dont want to see this weapon allowed in season 25


Weapon Pickups: well, we didn’t really use it, but it would be interresting from a med’s Perspective… but like I said, our med didnt really use/abuse (haha cpma jokes) it.

Reckoner vs Sunshine: I think both are great and I would rather remove something like Granary for it instead of choose one of these.

koth_forge_b3: I really like the flank route under the point. While we first thought that it was to big, it didn’t felt as bad as it seemd (atleast for me).

Addition of Brass Beast and Pomson: ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Last edited by .,



I liked all the maps presented in the cup. I’m sad that only one will make it to the pool.

If etf2l really wants diversity in the map pool, it should be considered to expand it. Has it always been 7 maps for 7 weeks?

Why not experiment with 4 maps played 2 times, and 6 maps played one time? or 5 maps played 2 times and 4 played once, etc…

Why not also have a map pool of 11 maps for the whole year? We could play maps 1 – 7 during the fall season, maps 3 – 9 during winter season and maps 5 – 11 during spring season, couldn’t we?

If you want to keep the 7 maps pool, I would like to see some of the ‘meta’ maps being swapped with the newer ones.
First, these maps (badlands/snakewater/gullywash/process/granary) are the most played and (almost) everything is figured out, which can be boring.
Then some maps create more stalemates (snake/granary), which can be boring too.
Finally with newer maps we can see more exciting and messy plays as teams make mistakes and learn the maps. I remember watching TF2 5 years ago, it was fun to see because the play back then wasn’t at all as well figured out as today, and was more varied, if less efficient.



I mixed on forge and detested it. the map can be broken down into rollout right side and stand on/around your house. a forward hold involves locking down their right side (your left) since the other places are so awful to push from.

the map is very spammy (due to the los through the house next to the point) and disgustingly flanky (which are my two least favourite things to be penetrated by). it’s impossible to prevent a scout walking up behind your combo whenever they feel like it and it’s impossible to keep track of their players since you can see about 1/3 of the map even if you’re on point.

viaduct is a great koth map in 6s because you can actively watch for flankers while at the same time flanking is viable and because the angles and spam are precise and intentional the map rewards playing together and taking space together as a team.

we desperately need another koth map in rotation but forge is definitely not it, i’d rather play lakeside and get fucked by snipers



Quoted from gemm

since the other places are so awful to push from.

True, but this can (and must!) be fixed

Quoted from gemm

viaduct is a great koth map in 6s because you can actively watch for flankers while at the same time flanking is viable and because the angles and spam are precise and intentional the map rewards playing together and taking space together as a team.

If viaduct is at your taste great, but maps must not follow the same template; If regardless of the map it can be played the same way, why bother making new maps?

To say forge plays differently because it’s flanky and spammy doesn’t make it bad ; It requires a different way of playing. I disagree about a scout able to flank whenever he wants as I didn’t have this problem.
Problems arise when it’s objectively not balanced like it is now with the forward hold stuff.



we literally have 6 5cp maps that all play the same along with many past 5cp maps that all played the same. and you must have the most 1-dimensional scouts I’ve ever seen if they didnt manage to constantly be on your med. if you hold behind house a scout can walk far right, through the house next to far right, under point or far left all the way behind, and in like half of those routes you dont see them until they’re inside your rectum unless you have a scout who’s job is to look backwards all the time.

To say forge plays differently because it’s flanky and spammy doesn’t make it bad

yes it does, since flanks are very easy to pull off and it’s very unfun and anti-competitive to be punished by a flank or having to constantly watching for a flank. i mentioned viaduct because it’s got a great balance imo in terms of flanks being possible but not stupidly easy. all the great 5cp maps at the moment have that balance and are relatively open with a few flanks possible if they’re not watched (compared to vanguard/cargo which looks more like a clusterfuck atm) so I think it’s pretty clear it’s a good gameplay choice



And it’s not a problem to you that all the 6 maps we have “all play the same”?

The way we were set up near house we had the pocket above, the demo between house and far right with the pocket scout and the roamer under, and we could lock all the accesses to our med except for soldier bombs.

If we get flanked from far right or ‘the house near far right’, only our demo could get wrecked because he was in front and the pocket scout/pocket soldier could help.

I’d like to see Sunshine return to the pool this season, replacing Reckoner from last season.

Mainly because Sunshine is way more polished now (potentially in it’s final stage?) to the point where it’s an official map, whereas both Forge and Reckoner seem to still require alot of work, so to me it would make more sense to use Sunshine even if it’s kind of a controversial map.


I don’t see how adding the Pomson is even up for debate, unless it’s been reworked and significantly altered to fit into competetive


(League Admin)

Necro much? Feedback thread for season 26 preseason cup can be found here: http://etf2l.org/forum/feedback/topic-33714

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