
Permanently use beta design?

Created 17th October 2015 @ 21:06

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yo, just wanted to ask if its possible to keep the beta site design ? atm everytime i restart my browser i get back to the old design :(

Last edited by firej,



I’d rather have the option to permanently delete the beta design, however if you actually do like it, then just go to http://beta.etf2l.org instead of http://etf2l.org

EDIT: nvm that doesn’t actually work, that’s weird.

Last edited by MS,



Can I ask what is the point of the Beta design?

Is it to have a “more professional look” so we’re more marketable to sponsors?
Is it so we have more Ad space?
Is it for better functionality?
Is it because someone did it and you don’t want to put it to waste?

It’s one of these things floating around without any purpose or plan. If it has no use, scrap it already. If it’s “Beta” collect some feedback and use it already. It’s been years, literally years.

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