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[Experimental Highlander One-Night-Cup #7] Feedback Thread

Created 11th October 2015 @ 16:08

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A thread to post your finding in the cup seeing that the other thread turned more into a debate about the short circuit.

Quoted from kKaltUu

So, let us know what you think. Shitty posts without any constructive feedback will be ignored/removed. Use realtalk or steam for shittalking, I want something decent here

Last edited by Aoshi,


No offense but High tier looks way more weaker than Mid-High in my opinion, they should be swapped.


Quoted from Popcorp

No offense but High tier looks way more weaker than Mid-High in my opinion, they should be swapped.

I’m guessing because some of those High teams applied for Prem, and were denied.

Also, please tell me Borneo is being considered for the map pool. Both current KOTH maps (Product and Warmtic) at the moment are fine and better than Ashville, having played the map a few times.

Last edited by RTC,



Quoted from Popcorp

No offense but High tier looks way more weaker than Mid-High in my opinion, they should be swapped.


This is kinda funny :D



Should be high without questions imo



Quoted from Popcorp

No offense but High tier looks way more weaker than Mid-High in my opinion, they should be swapped.

Fixtures were already generated so swapping them wasn’t possible, BlameKkaltuu

Quoted from RTC

Also, please tell me Borneo is being considered for the map pool. Both current KOTH maps (Product and Warmtic) at the moment are fine and better than Ashville, having played the map a few times.

People generally wanted warmtic out from what I understood which is why we have ashville as a map in the cup. And we took up Badwater_pro instead of borneo so we won’t be capable of trying the map and thus it will probably not be in the season.


(ETF2L Donator)

TC is sandbagging because they are all banned from TF2C for stacking. I fucking hate TC.



Ashville’s not a bad map, it’s just both Product and Warmtic are better designed for competitive play. There are a lot of dead zones in Ashville where simply nothing happens at all, whereas the action can take place virtually anywhere in the other two maps beside the spawn.

And damn, I really enjoy Borneo. While I prefer Upward and slightly prefer Badwater, I think the map should still be considered instead of Barnblitz, which I find to be a little congested.



Quoted from Aoshi

Fixtures were already generated so swapping them wasn’t possible, BlameKkaltuu

Seems like the fixture generation for future cups should be done after sign ups? I understand that given signups closed the evening before the cup that might be a bit tight so push the deadline back a day?

Last edited by MoistPenguin,

Seeding and fixtures were generated randomly after the signup deadline. A total of 3 teams were seeded in a bracket higher or lower than signed up for. The rest all got allocated to their respective requested divisions.

Last edited by kKaltUu,

Gravelpit didn’t bring much to the table except some quality of life changes really like windows etc. Aside from the team we played couldn’t figure out capping A first I think 1/3 of the map is still completely ignored. Not to mention its a map that still relies on 1 hero play that decides a half.

Arctic/warmtic/tic>ashville just because Ashville feels so cramped.


I slightly prefer Gpit_pro, it makes pushing the B point a bit less of an ordeal. It’s only a small change, but it’s welcome to spice up an old map.

Ashville was slightly better than I remember it, but I still think both Product and Warmtic have more to offer.

I don’t mind either Badwater or Badwater_Pro, whatever floats ETF2L’s boat floats mine.


Gpit has 6 entrances to push from, the addition entrance in Gpit_pro just makes it harder to forward hold…Making Gpit a first map in the cup was a bad idea, not because my team lost to it, but it really relies on team’s coordination and experience skills, new teams will struggle playing this map so it was a poor decision putting as a first map in a cup…

Cant say much about ashville

Badwater Pro is bad, I dont see the reason of replacing stock version with it…It’s been played for 8 seasons and I didn’t see anyone complaining about it…People complain about Upward last, should we make Pro version and use it as well? Well then Highlander’s map pool is going to be on Life Support…

Remove Gpit, replace with Borneo maybe…Keep Warmtic or replace with Lakeside…Use stock Badwater, instead of crappy Pro version.


(ETF2L Donator)

I don’t see how that new entrance adds anything really, it just takes less time for BLU to get there than it takes to get to the entrance right next to it.
It makes holding B really awkward and still doesn’t fix the main issue that most people have with the map which is that you just ignore 1/3 of the map completely.
I generally like the idea of a pro version with these minor fixes that just make the lives of soldiers easier.
Still think that gpit is a better option than some of the other maps and after all it’s still one of the maps that requires the most teamplay. If you just ignore the flaws of the map and play it, it can be pretty fun too.

Oh yeah and it’s pretty frustrating that you’re not able to play the other maps if you lose gpit. At this point, most teams haven’t scrimmed the map yet and it can be pretty random who wins (not saying that anyone didn’t deserve their win, don’t get me wrong). Would have liked to play at least one more map even if you lose the first one. Maybe have the losers of the first map play each other in the 2nd round (but without the possibility to get into the final through lower bracket)?


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Popcorp

Badwater Pro is bad… It’s been played for 8 seasons and I didn’t see anyone complaining about it.

Remove Gpit,

You haven’t heard anyone complaining about the map? lol

why remove Gpit

it’s been played for 8 seasons and I didn’t see anyone complaining about it…

Last edited by HartzFartz,

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