
[ETF2L] Season 22 Test Whitelist Feedback Thread

Created 6th September 2015 @ 10:29

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don’t think machina should be allowed. straight upgrade from stock and sniping in 6s isn’t in need of a buff imo. then in a personal sense, I don’t like the idea of encouraging perma snipers more by giving them an even stronger weapon.



Whitelist has been changed on

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rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 4432

Last edited by Wiethoofd,



Quoted from Popcorp

Enjoy this wall of text :-)
– Loch n Load – Still really annoying to play against, especially if you’re a Scout. It’s basically a Direct hit for Demo, which makes Airshots easier as well. Not fun to play against IMO so keep it Banned..

Loch has been nerfed, it does only -100 on direct, not -130. So nobody can get one shot’d. Allowing the dead ringer will make all the hl spies happy, and they’ll all go perma spy in 6v6 (+ spy-cicle which make the combo op in 6v6).
Adding rocket jumper and sticky jumper is a good idea, same for the market gardener, it adds more aggression in the game without broking it. Machina is a weird choice in the whitelist since it get a bonus dmg without a real downgrade.


Quoted from Tuffy

Loch has been nerfed, it does only -100 on direct, not -130. So nobody can get one shot’d

I never said that it one shots any low hp classes, that’s why I said still really annoying, I’m saying that it is much easier to hit pipes with it than with stock.

Silver Tosspot


baby face blaster… and I was actually getting hyped for this season


no huntsman pls
hype for sticky jumper tho

Last edited by letto,


Charging targe, bfb, huntsman, machina and dead ringer are gonna be anoying as hell, i dont mind anything else tho.
Market gardener is gonna be interesting to see on roamers

medve a maci

the medigun pickup encourages faster gameplay. i know its something new, but we really should try it. however the deadringer / marketgardener will make some of the matches feel like you are on a freakin valve server. ive seen the yanks using market gardener in 6s, since then i cry everytime before sleep.

Last edited by medve a maci,



where brass beast??????



the loch n load is still really good, even after the nerf, I honestly don’t think it should be allowed



Quoted from Tuffy

Machina is a weird choice in the whitelist since it get a bonus dmg without a real downgrade.

How is instantly knowing where a sniper is because of the tracer not a downside to the weapon? You shouldn’t be stupid enough to cross sight lines anyway as soon as a sniper has been called, regardless of weapon he/she is using.

Quoted from Popcorp

I’m saying that it is much easier to hit pipes with it than with stock.

It’s all about the Iron Bomber ;)



Bfb is actually not as good as most of you might remember it.
1 splash rocket for example will make a bfb scout go back to his slow starting speed and therefore really easy to hit. With that in mind I actually think that it has an interesting mechanic and would be fun to see used.
I’m fine with the rest as with the gunmettle balances everything seems pretty evened out now.
Fuck the dead ringer though.



Oh boy here comes the sticky jumper rollouts


(ETF2L Donator)

We’ve been using LnL in highlander for a while now, since the recent nerf it’s absolutely fine.

Machina isn’t a straight upgrade. It’s worse in 6s than it is in highlander actually, because as I understand it, you don’t want the opposing team to know you have a sniper until your sniper clicks on their medic’s face. Obviously if any shots are missed, the big red flag is flown by the tracer and sniping just got harder.

Since the enforcer was recently patched, that’s fine. That’s a good white list. Especially for highlander spy mains who play the DR/amby play style. Without a pyro to reliably track them down, they’re going to be frustrating to play against in 6s.



Quoted from Permzilla

– Rocket Jumper
– Mantreads
– Market Gardener

– Sticky Jumper

– Huntsman

Oh my fucking god
Im not ever going to be invited to a dmix again.

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