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[Highlander Season 6] Provisional Feedback

Created 16th February 2014 @ 19:00

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(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Ruskeydoo


Valve wanted this to happen… You know, those guys who are very successful professional game designers ;) Though, yes, i think SC gives engy a really interesting new role in 5cp where he is otherwise rather irrelevant.

The weapons are balanced for pub play, they have even said that

Quoted from Ruskeydoo

Why? That’s a massive assumption that you have yet to support with a decent argument.

I think I have laid out my reasons a lot of times. Imagine that all the classes were equally powerful like you want. Why would the soldier even risk his life to get the medic? Why would a spy even risk his his to kill the heavy? The “trades” are what makes the game interesting. Like muuki said earlier, a lot of times games are decided by important plays from classes that aren’t necessarily the strongest in terms of firepower.

Quoted from Ruskeydoo

You’ve only been playing TF2 since July 10, 2011… Valve implemented highlander on feb 3, 2010: http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/February_3,_2010_Patch The talk going around at the time was they wanted it to take off as a comp format.

I was not aware of this. Doesn’t change the fact that they have completely abandoned us long ago, and barely any of the weapons are even balanced with comp in mind at all.


Fe |

I mostly agree with what Xacher wrote, maybe except for the Crit-a-Cola and Reserve Shooter part. Both of these weapons definitely didn’t need their latest buffs, what was Valve thinking?

ETF2L admins don’t seem aware of the recent Cleaner’s Carbine change, that weapon should also be allowed, as it doesn’t grant those free 150 damage bodyshots across the map anymore.

If a Heavy manages to Holiday Punch an enemy uber, he deserves it. I don’t think any Heavy would use it full-time instead of GRU/FOS anyway.


(a boT from the North)

Let’s turn this game into Dota, i ban spy and sniper


ist doof

Please update the official Highlander whitelist: https://raw.github.com/thraaawn/TF2-Whitelists/master/etf2l_whitelist_9v9.txt



For me personally there are only a few weapons that are outright broken in their mechanics. Darwins Danger Shield, Pomson and Short Circuit. The vita-saw as well though some of the arguments made are pretty interesting.

The rest are balance issues and weapons that are partly banned because people find them annoying.



Quoted from feeling

Please update the official Highlander whitelist: https://raw.github.com/thraaawn/TF2-Whitelists/master/etf2l_whitelist_9v9.txt

There was a bug with a new system we made to update the whitelists. It’s been fixed.

New whitelist: http://etf2l.org/configs/etf2l_whitelist_9v9.txt

Jesse James

Quoted from Munky

The rest are balance issues and weapons that are partly banned because people find them annoying.

Beggarz Bazooka and Red Tape are not balanced dude :( (Well BB has many down sides)

Carlos Kaiser

Quoted from Jesse James

Beggars Bazooka

And it’s allowed



If we allow everything no one will ever take Highlander seriously ever again. Some weapons make playing this game a complete joke and therefore those weapons belong only in public servers. If Valve literally only release perfectly balanced weapons with some sort of input into making the game better/more fun/interesting and not useless gimmicky shit half of the time then sure go ahead and allow everything. Until that day (which will never happen) no thankyou.



I’m not sure true “class balance” is actually at all preferable. If each class can be as effective as any other in any situation how does that increase the quality of the games or peoples enjoyment of them?

Also, weapons are banned because the boosts they provide aren’t considered earned or reliant on skill/gamesense, they’re overpowered for the skill it takes to use them. You can make the same argument for a lot of weapons still allowed, but that isn’t a good argument for introducing more imo.

Last edited by EmilioEstevez,


Why is there no more Cups like before? Iirc there was a No Wrangler Cup long time ago, ETF2L Admins should arrange the same, but with Unlocks that are banned and see how they going to work, the only rule would be you MUST use an unlock that is banned in that cup and then we see how drastically it changes gameplay…I want Ultiduo/Bball/Weapon Cups again, to make ETF2L more interesting



Quoted from Ruskeydoo


If the stock weapons were well balanced, then the classes in Highlander would be of reasonably equal value. We both know they are not.

What the stock weapons have is an established “balance” of some classes being much more powerful than others.

because this makes sense RIGHT?!?!?!??!?!?!



Quoted from Popcorp

Why is there no more Cups like before? Iirc there was a No Wrangler Cup long time ago, ETF2L Admins should arrange the same, but with Unlocks that are banned and see how they going to work, the only rule would be you MUST use an unlock that is banned in that cup and then we see how drastically it changes gameplay…I want Ultiduo/Bball/Weapon Cups again, to make ETF2L more interesting



Quoted from Jesse James


Beggarz Bazooka and Red Tape are not balanced dude :( (Well BB has many down sides)

The idea of the Red Tape is fine. The execution of the weapon isn’t.


Quoted from Munky


The idea of the Red Tape is fine. The execution of the weapon isn’t.

It’s just like Dead Ringer then… except dr is allowed.

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