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To hell with screenshots, integrate logs!

Created 28th February 2013 @ 00:50

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Terrible idea for many reasons.
1. Most servers dont have healing/dmg plugin… So all logs would show is k/d ratio
2. Many ppl will get warnings bcs they can’t access server files bcs they might not own the server they play on..
3. Logs can be faked even more easy than screenshots…

Also, how does multiplay servers work with logs? Can they even be accessed from clanforge page?

Last edited by AnimaL,



Quoted from AnimaL

1. Most servers dont have healing/dmg plugin… So all logs would show is k/d ratio
2. Many ppl will get warnings bcs they can’t access server files bcs they might not own the server they play on..

Why would they be needed for proving that game has been played?

I think that logs should be considered as alternative for sending screenshots, not a replacement. Of course logs would require ftp access or similar, but that could be done easier with plugins.


sure, just dont force teams to get warnings for nothing they done wrong…



If you have rcon, you can stream logs. I like the idea, but I don’t think it deserves to be high on ETF2L’s todo list tbh :)



Screenshots should remain mandatory over logs, for the reasons mentioned above.

It would be useful if there would be some kind of media section for team leaders (or anyone who played in a match?), so you could link to logs just as you upload demos for a specific match, so there’s a comprehensive media section above/below every matchreport, containing status, demos (POV/STV), links to logs, VODs/casts, mumble recordings, etc .

If only the the demos are hosted on etf2l (as it is now), there shouldnt be any filesize issues either, but it would make searching for specific media much, much easier.



What’s wrong with just linking to logs/whatever in the comments?



Makes things messy, esp when for more popular matches. You could also make them searchable on-site similar to how demos work.


What about just for starters we could have the possibility of adding logs when we submit scores and it would add links to the match page or something simple like that?


Honestly I’m all for this, we should work towards a fully automated system like the one used by esea.

If there’s no automated system you should at least have an option on the “submit results” page to attach logs (from tf2logs or logs.tf) to the match results.

Best system overall would be a plugin that automatically uploads logs to logs.tf and then those can be called back from etf2l using logs.tf API or something. Or a plugin that directly uploads to etf2l.

Quoted from Jarppa

I mean, it’s going to be a shitstorm if someone fakes logs and there’s no evidence against fake logs. :-)

What you are faking is a log screenshot, not a log itself lol.



Why not just link them in the match report?



Quoted from kaidus


This could really be as simple as linking to logs instead of screenshots at the top of match pages. There’s a lot more that could (and should, probably) be done with it, but even on the most basic level it’s still vastly more comprehensive than submitting screenshots without requiring any extra effort from team leaders.

So, instead of catching cheaters you think ETF2L admins should spend their time on making you able to upload logs? Not only is this EXTREMELY useless, it is also a breach of integrity as the log files contain chat messages from the game. But let’s have it your way, let’s have hackers running around freely because the admins are spending time coding this useless crap instead of watching POV demos. I don’t want to accuse anyone of anything, but perhaps that’s the entire idea of it; YOU want the admins to be busy while you’re installing some kind of shady plug-in?

Last edited by ondkaja,



Quoted from Arie

If you have rcon, you can stream logs. I like the idea, but I don’t think it deserves to be high on ETF2L’s todo list tbh :)

Ye keep focusing on the banner competition guys.



Quoted from Kaneco

Or a plugin that directly uploads to etf2l.

I think Mihalch (former ETF2L admin, who coded the OCR feature that took SteamID’s from status shots) was doing something like that few years ago. I don’t know why this was abandoned then, I used the plugin and its web interface with cBullets.

Quoted from Kaneco


What you are faking is a log screenshot, not a log itself lol.

It’s a screenshot of a match report I deleted straight away after the upload, just to avoid any confusion to everyone who watch the logs.tf front page and to the players who see that in their played matches. And of course it did require faking of the log, in this case I just replaced few names and steamid’s from some ETF2L match, ehm.

You get the idea anyway.

Last edited by Jarppa,



Quoted from Jarppa

[…]I think Mihalch (former ETF2L admin) was doing something like that few years ago. I don’t know why this was abandoned then, I used the plugin and its web interface with cBullets.

[…]It’s a screenshot of a match report I deleted straight away after the upload, just to avoid any confusion to everyone who watch the logs.tf front page and to the players who see that in their played matches. And of course it did require faking of the log, in this case I just replaced few names and steamid’s from some ETF2L match, ehm.

You get the idea anyway.

Can you not see steamIDs in logs?



Quoted from crouton


Can you not see steamIDs in logs?

Yes, SteamID’s are shown in the logs.

For some reason, ETF2L forum thought some bits of the line as HTML tags. Here.

Last edited by Jarppa,

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