Allowing a few unlocks?
Created 7th June 2012 @ 11:42
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Quoted from CrashSite
First more streams from top players that can then be advertised on all the major sites, maybe also post them on big community sites, such as UKMD etc
Second, make an etf2l cup for only new players and maybe div 6, advertise in game way as streams, offer a decent prize.
Help with reviving the newbie mix group, it has worked so well in NA and kinda died over here. I ended up being the only one trying to organise stuff. They have Invite players, I think I had one, who played once. So this would be huge.
Use i46 as marketing to show everyone the community side of our games, both in the TF2 pub community and the other competitive games.
Ask NA scene what they have done to get it growing, cos lets be honest getting people in a scene where the biggest league is pay to enter is hard.
Some ideas just off top of my head.
Liked the cup idea for newbies, people who have played in div6 shouldn’t be allowed to play though, since we already have them on our side.
As for the newbie mix group, I don’t see how you’re organizing stuff, there are literally 2 people who set up newbie mixes currently, Felix and Rando.
Quoted from Sasuke
Liked the cup idea for newbies, people who have played in div6 shouldn’t be allowed to play though, since we already have them on our side.
As for the newbie mix group, I don’t see how you’re organizing stuff, there are literally 2 people who set up newbie mixes currently, Felix and Rando.
I did all the marketing for the newbie mix group, or at least organised the marketing, had some help (<3 chaplin and monkeh). I also bugged people to make the mixes.
Then it died for a while, started trying it again, get people involved, Felix was made admin, started doing them, he was originally a newbie from the group I think. I was also the one who made people admins.
I did a shitton for that group, the only part I didn't help in was the newbie mixes themselves, as I didn't think I has the right personality for it.
But as I was saying, the NA has committed members who don't need someone to literally ask them to make a mix before they do it, they also get invite players.
So now you know.
Quoted from envy
cough fun cough
Of course, and that is fine, but I think you forgot the initial point this argument was about.
If you have an approach to this game that is fun-first, winning-2nd, then I don’t see how you could have amazing insights in the deep logistics of competitive 6v6, because you simply don’t play like that. If you don’t play with a Sirlinian play-to-win attitude, then you will not argue or favor changes in a way that support a play-to-win mentality.
Quoted from Admirable
I think this is the highlander fallacy! It is highlander ruleset that enforces that every class must be featured at all times in match. Surely 6v6 is actually far more flexible by comparison? :D
fuck yeah INTELLECTUALLY CHECKMATED … highlander is stale l2adapt to 6v6 noobs lolololo xDDD
Tbh I think the panel solution with a spreadsheet could still be combined with a private discussion forum. The forum would be used to share ideas, and after that the panel members could still make their vote seperate to what was said in the topic. Like I mentioned before, an community-opinion-gauging poll on the frontpage to assist the panel would be nice too. I think at this point I’d ideally see ETF2L go towards Arx’ 2nd option.
Quoted from skeej
Satisfaction with the class you play. There is a lot of people who have a godlike aim, but play demo; who are good at dodging spam and scouts, but their main is solly. They bury a talent of playing a dull class to practice and become better at the class they do enjoy. This is what I meant by “fun”.
Allow Rainblower and it’s good <3
Quoted from CrashSite
I did all the marketing for the newbie mix group, or at least organised the marketing, had some help (<3 chaplin and monkeh). I also bugged people to make the mixes.
Then it died for a while, started trying it again, get people involved, Felix was made admin, started doing them, he was originally a newbie from the group I think. I was also the one who made people admins.
I did a shitton for that group, the only part I didn't help in was the newbie mixes themselves, as I didn't think I has the right personality for it.
But as I was saying, the NA has committed members who don't need someone to literally ask them to make a mix before they do it, they also get invite players.
So now you know.
Sorry if I came across as a dick, I you’ve done much for group (since I played there from the very start, and I actually played a couple of mixes with you). I’m saying “currently” not in the past.
Tbh, the european group was very good when it first started, we have prem players participating too, but all those people who used to put effort into it stopped, which is a shame since I remember that the group spawned 4 teams or more for season10 (mine included).
EDIT : we’re really off-topic :D.
Last edited by Sasuke,
Watching the NA scene this weekend has reminded me what the game actually plays like. It gave some perspective on what strategies can actually be used effectively. The team the gets the lowest prize in the prize pool gets more as an individual than a prem team gets if they win etf2l. The NA scene is a thriving community and the EU scene is dying and the reason is for unlocks. Pubbers don’t want to join a scene where the weapons they enjoy playing with aren’t allowed. It isn’t an attractive e-sport for newcomers. Prem players should stop running the show with map choices and vanilla medlock rules as their “favourite” way to play. As the scene is not thriving for it. NA rules pls.
Quoted from Hudson!
The NA scene is a thriving community and the EU scene is dying and the reason is for unlocks.
Just throwing this in, that’s not true. Even if unlocks were allowed, EU would focus their gameplay around stalemates and how to work around them.
Quoted from Hudson!
The team the gets the lowest prize in the prize pool gets more as an individual than a prem team gets if they win etf2l.
Yeah, let’s make people pay to play the game on a league like ESEA. That’ll get the pubbers interested.
Quoted from MIndYe
Yeah, let’s make people pay to play the game on a league like ESEA. That’ll get the pubbers interested.
When I was into the smaller LoL LAN scenes people would throw in cash for the pool, and everyone from teams where none of them could break out of elo hell, to teams where the teams were all 1900+ would enter the tourny(the prize pool was generally more spread out with 6th getting his cash back.)
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