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Fraggas fellas

Created 10th October 2011 @ 19:51

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[21:20] Crasp: Hi Inuy
[21:20] Crasp : How can i help you?
[21:20] Me: Aight
[21:20] Me: you know fraggas fellas situation
[21:20] Me: i hope that canfo made loads of VALID points that we told him to put on the discussion thread
[21:20] Me: as there is no absolute way that our is a case of hijack of team
[21:22] Me: 1st : only 3 of redbyte joined the team and all of thsi was before the season even started , 2nd : we are all offclassing theres no way we can hold anything better then div 4 lmao , 3rd: We played already one match and had no lineup changes whatsoever and didnt recieve any warning about this
[21:23] Me: When we explained this to canfo he was quite confused and tought if theese were the conditions we shouldnt get dropped
[21:24] Me: To me this looks really really unfair as i dont absolutely see this as an hijack case and theres nothing that would make us UNFAIR to other teams
[21:25] Me: i kindly ask if you admins could PLEASE rethink about our condition as we really find it absurd to get dropped without some valid points and without roster change from the start of the season
[21:26] Crasp: ok
[21:35] Me: Allright thanks.. let me know as soon as you guys can since if we can get in i wouldnt like to delay the game of tomorrow
[21:36] Crasp: there’s no way we will undrop you now
[21:36] Me: why
[21:36] Me: if you mean now by now couse noone is on i understand
[21:37] Me: but if you mean it in “not in this season” i question why
[21:37] Crasp: because you broke the hijack rule
[21:37] Me: I repeat to you theres no way we hijacked with players
[21:37] Me: please indicate me
[21:37] Me: the players that hijacked in that team
[21:38] Me: and actively played
[21:38] Me: .
[21:38] Crasp: the roster you signed up with is massively different to the roster you have now
[21:38] Me: only 3 players changed
[21:38] Me: from the sign up
[21:38] Me: the 50%
[21:38] Me: and its offclass
[21:38] Me: whats the problem.
[21:39] Crasp: you broke the hijack rule
[21:39] Me: Crasp dont talk to me like a retard , im not
[21:39] Me: and stop being one.
[21:40] Crasp: humouring you is retarded i agree
[21:40] Crasp: and a waste of both our times
[21:40] Me: lmao
[21:40] Me: nice admin
[21:40] Me: absolutely astonished
[21:41] Crasp: i admit we should have communicated better, either you telling us of the massive changes and why, or us telling you that we were going to drop you as a result of it
[21:41] Me: start the warning then?
[21:41] Crasp: doesn’t change the fact the rule was broken
[21:41] Me: you dont drop a team like that
[21:41] Me: without a damn warn
[21:42] Me: but its allright i guess , div 4e
[21:42] Me: who cares right?
[21:42] Me: The fact is: noone said anything and we didnt break the rule at all and if changing 3 players BEFORE the season start
[21:43] Crasp: the fact is: fragga’s fellas are dropped
[21:43] Crasp: can’t really do anything about that now
[21:45] Crasp: i understand you feel we should have spoken to your team sooner, i agree
[21:45] Crasp: in future we will
[21:45] Crasp: but we can’t let you off the hook for that
[21:45] Me: meantime you ruined us a full season
[21:45] Crasp: more than a few teams claimed your team was ruining theirs
[21:45] Me: AND!?
[21:45] Me: this happens in div 1 aswell
[21:45] Me: for fuck sake man
[21:46] Me: people should play better teams anyway ( not saying we are ) and they are complaining if they dont get the “easy go” and THEY GET IT!?
[21:47] Crasp: the hijack rule isn’t new to s10

Allright : We changed 3 players on the roster from the signup , playing offclass , WE never got any warning about anything and played only one match , Apparently apart from the “Hijack rules” wich is really absurd without a warning in midseason, We came to know teams from our division ( div 4E ) complained about us being too strong… well guys : YOU DONT GET BETTER HAVING THE EASY WAY and whining to an admin, lmao.

I didnt play etf2l for a bit now but this is just absurd , i would like more opinions of players about this situation as we wont get un-dropped , i would like the admins to DONT LOCK THIS and have some nice discussions.


Sonny Black


Hard to tell who is talking when. Who are you talking to anyways?



Sorry , webirc bug i guess , edited.






should’ve went div3 if u have such a “strong team”.



Quoted from MIndYe


I actually hope freedom of speech isnt banned or there are some serious problems :)






Quoted from Josh

should’ve went div3 if u have such a “strong team”.

We absolutely dont , we , as offclass, got shitted on against some div3 teams..



our official lineup: hista (originally medic) and josku soldier
miki and inuy scout (originally soldiers)
adrenaline demo
gyanny medic (originally soldier)

just to clarify our situation as a team


(ETF2L Donator)

rofl inb4’d by about 20 people


cold story


Admins think that using 3 new players is an extreme linup change.

You don’t.

Admins win.

So your argument is “we broke the rules but who cares right?” Good argument will go far.



you changed 3 players, that’s more than 50%, and it doesn’t matter if they’re offclassing or not, sorry.



Quoted from daithi1

So your argument is “we broke the rules but who cares right?” Good argument will go far.

Happy to see that you didnt understand even one of my point , as i never said and meant that. But hey its the opinion of someone butthurt so its quite understandable.

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