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[S10] Provisional Divisions Feedback Thread!

Created 14th September 2011 @ 12:28

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Like it says, we’ve released the provisional divisions http://etf2l.org/league/provisional-divisionshere[/url], use this thread to tell us what you think. I’ve seen people commenting on the newspost and I’d prefer using a forum thread to discuss it.

We want to know what you think about the layout of the divisions themselves in particular.

For specific team requests please http://etf2l.org/etf2l/support!admin in IRC[/url] or email us at [email protected]

As with all feedback threads, keep it clean and on topic or we’ll set Ashkan on you.



So, the biggest issues I’ve heard people say so far are that everyone in Division 3 wants to be in Division 2, and that having two Division 1’s is daft.

The alternatives to the current Division 1 setup (so far) are to send half of Division 1 down, or to create a new division between 1 and prem, which would need a name.

Any thoughts?



having 2 division 1’s is indeed a bit strange.



Why is it strange? The lower the division, the more ‘subdivisions’ there are. Its just logical this way…? One Premier, 2 Div1, 3-4 Div3, etc…


The 2 division 1s are fine, there’s already a lot of competition there and most matches could go either way depending on the day.



People need to remember after such a long break the admins themselves had a huge job to put people in divisions. The fact they have done it so quick is pretty amazing i expected nothing till Sunday so credit to the admins giving people longer to moan about where they are. The next issue they face is the last season ended so long ago with half the teams folded reformed line up changes most the prem teams not entering. etf2l have taken vanilla and the league is back better than ever so everyone wants in. Simple fact is take the prem teams out and a couple of div 1 teams the skill between the lower div 1 teams and some of the div 2 teams is pretty small. You will always have teams not happy to be higher and can say beat such and such in a pcw but in fairness pcw is what it is a practise game where people try things.

The season is shaping up to be really incredible with some potentially top notch divisions in there and the competition is huge, season 11 will be more balanced i guess as wont be long after season 10 :)

credit to admins taking a few bold choices in how they have set the divisions out end of the day some teams have to be annoyed about it all but i think they have made the right choices :)



Everything is fine imo. So many teams came in from inactivity or for vanilla+map pool and ready to compete in high levels.


Good job admins, seems fine as it is



I like the 2x Division 1 since they really look like though divisions both. I want to see match between each division 1 winner in the end of the season too! This way you can make sure who is the true div1 winner. Winner straight to Prem for next season and Loser to playoff game with a second last team in Prem.

One thing I did not understand was that you made 8 teams per division, I though 10 was a perfect number, though it would make the season couple of weeks longer. Anyways I don’t see anything wrong with this setup.

Looking good to me. The only thing I’m wondering about is knock0ut in div3.

Quoted from naMu

One thing I did not understand was that you made 8 teams per division, I though 10 was a perfect number, though it would make the season couple of weeks longer. Anyways I don’t see anything wrong with this setup.

10 teams per division would’ve meant that it wouldn’t have fit in before christmas.



Keep it coming!
Personally, I would prefer only one division 1. It gives a good foresight who the upcoming premiership teams might be.
As mentioned, the problem was, that we had about 25-30 applications for division 1 and only 8 (16) slots. Additionally, the applications for division 2 were about the same with 16 (24) slots. The total applications for div 1 & 2 were about 55-60 (still increasing because people realised they applied for division 3 instead of 2) with 24 (40) slots.
Scrapping one division 1 (and one division 2 as well, probably) would make division 3 a lot stronger and about 16 additional teams unhappy about their placement.

Another problem with scrapping one division 1 is that some teams earned their spot in division 1 by promotion or already played there in the last season but might be weaker than other teams in the current division 1. If we dropped 8 teams we would have to keep some presumely weaker teams and drop presumely better teams (e.g. two of either Crack Clan, Eternity, idk? or NORDIC). However, we are as well thinking of a full reset and not considering last season’s results at all. I would like to get some opinions on this, especially from affected teams.



Quoted from Buffalo Bill

Looking good to me. The only thing I’m wondering about is knock0ut in div3.

Hey, hey! I got this!


They applied for division 3 and have been seeded there.

With their recent player additions we will probably reconsider the placement though.

Quoted from CanFo

Hey, hey! I got this!


They applied for division 3 and have been seeded there.

With their recent player additions we will probably reconsider the placement though.

That explains that. :)



if you reduce div 1 to just 8 teams then i would feel you have to reduce div 2 too 16 teams,

atm looking at div 2 its pretty competative with only 1 or 2 stand out teams there that could really hammer the others.

Take out a few of the better teams in div 1 and its competative with the 16 in there minus a couple, so pushing the 8 competive ones down is fair but then make div 2 competative and add in 8 of the best teams in the list with 8 from the lower end of div 1 making a good division 2

^^ confusing!

so yeah if you reduce a division in div 1 do the same in div 2 :D


Quoted from Fish

Take out a few of the better teams in div 1 and its competative with the 16 in there minus a couple, so pushing the 8 competive ones down is fair but then make div 2 competative and add in 8 of the best teams in the list with 8 from the lower end of div 1 making a good division 2

^^ confusing!

Would be less confusing if you used some punctuation :(

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