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[S10] Unlocks Feedback Thread!

Created 28th August 2011 @ 15:30

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Cinnamon please. *trollface*

Scanned through the thread, and couldn’t find anyone asking/answering, so I’m gonna:
What would the consequenses be for using a banned weapon? Lots of clans have a faulty or no whitelist on their server, and lots of players are too lazy to fix their loadout before a match. Possible scenarios are:

– Soldier running away with Equalizer (perhaps dodging a rocket he wouldn’t be doding with the shovel)
– Pyro killing someone with Axtinguiser
– Sniper pissing on someone
– Spy with Cloak and Dagger
– Pyro lighting someone on fire with Flaregun
– Scout trying to fire with his pistol but ends up drinking Bonk instead

I’m sorry if this is answered or stated in the rules.



Quoted from Daniel

Scanned through the thread, and couldn’t find anyone asking/answering, so I’m gonna:
What would the consequenses be for using a banned weapon? Lots of clans have a faulty or no whitelist on their server, and lots of players are too lazy to fix their loadout before a match. Possible scenarios are:

– Soldier running away with Equalizer (perhaps dodging a rocket he wouldn’t be doding with the shovel)
– Pyro killing someone with Axtinguiser
– Sniper pissing on someone
– Spy with Cloak and Dagger
– Pyro lighting someone on fire with Flaregun
– Scout trying to fire with his pistol but ends up drinking Bonk instead

I’m sorry if this is answered or stated in the rules.

Punishment would be at least a default loss & minor warning if we find it to be true, however doing that is tricky. If someone uses a banned weapon, we won’t know until someone complains about it. At which point we’d take the demos from that match and watch what happens. From there, if a banned weapon was used punishment would be issued.



If your team is using a banned unlock they will get a minor warning. If the use of the unlock had an influence on the outcome of the round, the round in question will be defaulted in favour of the other team.
However, we will be releasing an updated config and whitelist so teams that can use banned unlocks on their own servers will definitely not be using the official league config which can lead to further detentions.

edit: damn ninjas!

Edit: Answered.


y u no allow degreaser and flaregun, you’ve ruined SBCs fun



Still think it needs more Market Gardener.



unban original tia



wooo no equalizer woooooooo



and gunboats too



Quoted from Mark


Nah, it works my way.

ah, didn’t know. well works both ways :P



Quoted from ashkan


Allowed. In-game notifications can be turned off in the settings, although I think that affects trade notifications as well.

Feel free to share your thoughts on strange weapons here if you think it’s a problem.

Strange weapons are awesome, and disabling the annoying popup is easy. What’s more to say? The popup is annoying, but I get more trade request popups than rank popups anyway. Ban trading while you’re at it.

Off topic: strange weapons don’t update their killcount on our warserver, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :'(


Quoted from Shabbaman


Strange weapons are awesome, and disabling the annoying popup is easy. What’s more to say? The popup is annoying, but I get more trade request popups than rank popups anyway. Ban trading while you’re at it.

Off topic: strange weapons don’t update their killcount on our warserver, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :'(

It s the new whitelist i think, they made an mistake, u have to set the upgradeable weapons i think to “1”. They are under the note //renamed weapons i think


pyro sucks now bawww


Why even allow reskins? They don’t add anything to the game aside from a tiny bit of visual and audio confusion.

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