PoV-Record [2.1.0] new x64 build
Created 26th September 2009 @ 12:25
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Quoted from Chdata
This issue is still not resolved.
Useless meaning, demos that do not have an accompanying .txt with bookmarks.
I dunno if this ever got fixed, but I made a simple AHK script to delete .dem files that don’t have an accompanying .txt with the same file name.
Last edited by Chdata,
I tried both versions or P-Rec (2.05 and 2.06) and both versions cause tf2 to crash whenever I join a game. Prec is loaded correctly (I checked in the console). Prec mode is set to 3. Please help!
I have Windows 8.1.
I have a problem, P-Rec is set to mode 2, yet it only takes screenshots of the scoreboard, and it doesn’t save any actual demos. Help?
Quoted from Adidushi
I have a problem, P-Rec is set to mode 2, yet it only takes screenshots of the scoreboard, and it doesn’t save any actual demos. Help?
check if you haven`t set it to delete useless demos [without kill streaks]
i put prec in the custom folder, but when i try putting in any commands it says “command unknown” and i’m not really sure why.
Prec has been working wonderfully for a year now, It is always set on recording all my demos, but sometimes it doesnt record anything even when displaying the start and end message. I have logs of the demo I’m looking for, but when I sorting out my demos by date, it’s just not there. How come this happen ?
Quoted from ElazulTF2
Prec has been working wonderfully for a year now, It is always set on recording all my demos, but sometimes it doesnt record anything even when displaying the start and end message. I have logs of the demo I’m looking for, but when I sorting out my demos by date, it’s just not there. How come this happen ?
prec_delete_useless_demo “0”
with prec_screens, is it possible to take only screenshots of scores, not status and scores?
P-rec isnt working for me, i have the files in tf/custom as instructed. The sound folder has one item called sound.cache. the addons folder has PREC.dll, PREV.vdf, and PREC.cfg being opened by microsoft notepad. Is all of that in the correcct place? Or can the Prec.cfg not work with microsof notepad?
do you have it in custom/prec?
Quoted from SCRUB
P-rec isnt working for me, i have the files in tf/custom as instructed. The sound folder has one item called sound.cache. the addons folder has PREC.dll, PREV.vdf, and PREC.cfg being opened by microsoft notepad. Is all of that in the correcct place? Or can the Prec.cfg not work with microsof notepad?
I’m saying this just in case:
P-REC doesn’t work on MAC OS X
If someone is pretty acknowledged in C/C++ and Source Engine (including updating sdk interfaces after client updates). I can assist with creating new plugin. (i can provide code snippet)Main goal is create OSx/Linux compatible version. new version can be developed as open source project.
Last edited by Orange,
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