PoV-Record [2.1.0] new x64 build
Created 26th September 2009 @ 12:25
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in killstreaks.txt file there should be times from start of demo, now i gotta subtract time in demo name from time in killstreaks to find the exact point and it’s in minutes, maybe seconds will be more accurate. and maybe you can create files for each demo in format that demo editor in game saves playcommands with jumps to each killstreak or bookmark. if you don’t know what i’m talking about try to open some demo click edit and enter a playcommand or jump and click save button, it’ll generate text file with demo name and these commands will be there. awesome work btw, keep goin’…
give me vdm file and demo with bookmarks
Works great. Though the prec_notify variable is currently prec_nofity
thx in next version it will be renamed and all cvar’s saving in config.cfg automatically
Great plugin!
Maybe add an option to record killstreaks and bookmarks in a txt with the exact same name as the demo in the tf/ -folder.
I also found a minor bug, the recording doesn’t stop when the tournament game is restarted.
The plugin seems to drop players from the server when the WPTF2L config is executed. It works fine if you reconnect to the server, but I just noticed that it dropped us with an “overflow” error message.
Hope that helps :)
The plugin seems to drop players from the server when the WPTF2L config is executed. It works fine if you reconnect to the server, but I just noticed that it dropped us with an “overflow” error message.
Hope that helps :)
I got that as well tonight.
This plugin is fucking awesome! Easily one of the best thing that’s happend TF2!
Maybe one might be bothered to make a fragmovie now. :D
Great job Orange, keep it up!
For me the problem to get the mapname . and the interval tick
Very simple get/set teams names by cvars:
rcon mp_tournament_redteamname “VERYLARGETEAMNAME” works fine.
in killstreaks.txt file there should be times from start of demo, now i gotta subtract time in demo name from time in killstreaks to find the exact point and it’s in minutes, maybe seconds will be more accurate. and maybe you can create files for each demo in format that demo editor in game saves playcommands with jumps to each killstreak or bookmark. if you don’t know what i’m talking about try to open some demo click edit and enter a playcommand or jump and click save button, it’ll generate text file with demo name and these commands will be there. awesome work btw, keep goin’…
give me vdm file and demo with bookmarks
this archive consists of demo, vdm file and some readme with my ideas about it.
EDIT: btw i posted an article about your addon to cz/sk community site:
Updated Blog
good fixes, i want it nao!
will i get banned from aeq @ ESL ?!
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