
outline on hp and ammo

Created 14th November 2013 @ 20:53

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How would I go about making my ammo and hp counter/meter thingys have outlines instead of shadows that they have from start. I’m using garm3n hud (VIP-ktc or something)

Here’s my hud if it helps:

Last edited by fnordi,

If you just want an outline you have to add it where the fonts you use for ammo and HP are defined (find it in ClientScheme and add “outline” “1”)

Depending on your font, this can actually be barely visible (outline doesn’t seem to scale with size). Personally I use the trick I’ve seen on Gear’s HUD, which is to have multiple duplicates of the hud ammo in pitch black, slightly shifted to each side, to give the ammo a proper, thick outline.



Aah that “outline” “1” thing worked

Thanks a bunch!

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