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configs n stuff

Created 17th May 2013 @ 00:37

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I guess i`ve been gone too long. Somehow I`ve managed to fuck up the easiest thing to fuck up while setting up a game. Two questions.
1) what am I doing wrong setting up the fps config (chris`) if it doesnt apply ingame?
2) might this f*ck up have something to do that my tf2 local files arent located in C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/acc_name/HERE, but instead are (idk why) located in the common folder, which is located in the steamapps folder.
Its late, Im talking jibberish, w/e.

Last edited by Orchid,



you put it in ../steam/steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/xxrandomfoldernamexx/cfg/


Last edited by quintosh,



Quoted from quintosh

you put it in ../steam/steamapps/common/xxrandomfoldernamexx/cfg/

already did that. I seems to dislike that and refuses to apply the changes ingame.


delete /tf/cfg folder so there wouldnt be duplicates
might also need to delete /steamapps/username/team fortress 2 folder if its not already deleted

also common mistake is that people place /cfg in /tf/common but instead it needs to be under another random named folder name, just like quintosh said in his example

Last edited by AnimaL,



-dxlevel 81 on launch options?



all of you big noobs, its common/Team Fortress 2/tf/custom/randomfolder/cfg not just common/randomfolder/cfg

Last edited by Rake,



I didn’t bother with putting my stuff in custom for my cfgs, everything’s in default and works fine

C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonTeam Fortress 2tfcfg


(ETF2L Donator)

spoiler: no it doesn’t work fine, try changing something in your autoexec



Quoted from Sideshow

spoiler: no it doesn’t work fine, try changing something in your autoexec

i can edit shit in my autoexec and it works perfectly fine. you probably have another config in tf/custom that overrides the original autoexec?

i honestly don’t understand why i would move my autoexec to tf/custom

Spike Himself


Quoted from Sideshow

spoiler: no it doesn’t work fine, try changing something in your autoexec

It will work fine – if it doesn’t for you, that’s an issue on your end :)

Regardless, it’s not how it’s supposed to be done. Anything that isn’t vanilla should go in /custom/


editing autoexec works, but i think there might be issue with edited class configs so i wouldn’t even bother using tf/cfg/



Quoted from AnimaL

editing autoexec works, but i think there might be issue with edited class configs so i wouldn’t even bother using tf/cfg/

they work fine for me as well? except when i use tf/custom method i can’t exec configs with the exec commands


ur doing it wrong then

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