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crosshair flash on hit?

Created 7th December 2012 @ 18:26

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I have this custom crosshair (font shit)
and i want to make it flash red for few frames when i do demage to an enemy..
can anyone give me the text i need to put and where?



Put this to HudAnimations_tf

event DamagedPlayer
Animate crosshairname FgColor “255 0 0 255” Linear 0.0 0.00001
Animate crosshairname FgColor “255 255 255 200” Linear 0.15 0.1

this allows crosshair to flash red when hit someone

E: this doesn’t work on every hud but don’t know why

Last edited by arD,



doesnt works for me
im preety sure there another command which even let you choose how much long do you the flash to be..


Quoted from Sheepsi

doesnt works for me
im preety sure there another command which even let you choose how much long do you the flash to be..

You have to change the crosshairname to match the crosshair you use, and linear values changes the length of the flash



Quoted from maukkaaa


You have to change the crosshairname to match the crosshair you use, and linear values changes the length of the flash

i did..
still not working :

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