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Created 6th December 2012 @ 05:11

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A Psycho

Download: https://github.com/Jotunn/kbnhud/archive/master.zip

More Info: https://github.com/Jotunn/KBNHud
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KBNHud

I made this HUD from the bones of KNHUD during my time as a Sniper in UGC, and decided to share it. Now has derivative elements from eveHUD, rayshud, OMPhud, and Gam3nHUD. The main theme is transparency and lack of backgrounds, with secondary focus on being in the focus area for snipers, at the center of the screen, as well as lots of included customization and easily edited colors.

Thanks: Chippy, Quartz, Garm3n, Sinders, rays, OMP, and Whisker for many many HUD elements and developement help.

Last edited by A Psycho,



great hud i used it for 2 monthes i really reccommend



Now KNHUD is broken I’m going to be using this :D

Last edited by caeli,

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