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Mumble Overlay + Alt Tabbing

Created 14th September 2012 @ 18:14

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Hey, my mumble overlay hasn’t been working for ages, I’ve tried putting -nod3d9ex into launch options, but it breaks my Alt+TAB (TF2 crashes whenever I alt tab). I’ve tried TF2 in windowed mode (which allows alt tabbing), but doesn’t fix the overlay.

tl;dr: want overlay+alt-tab, launch options: -novid -w 1920 -h 1080 -full


-nod3d9ex and remove mat_antialias from cfg



Quoted from AnimaL

-nod3d9ex and remove mat_antialias from cfg

mat_antialias has already been removed


try changing mat_antialias to the opposite value that it is now



Quoted from atmo

try changing mat_antialias to the opposite value that it is now

it was 0, changed it to 1 and the overlay isn’t working



try removing the nod3dblabla then -window -noborder -dxlevel 81
worked for me


I’ve had this problem for 1-2 years. And this is the 5th topic about this issue and none of the tips on fixing this issue has worked. (At least for me)

E: I’ve pretty much given up hope of ever seeing mumble overlay again.

Last edited by Setlet,



Quoted from alba

try removing the nod3dblabla then -window -noborder -dxlevel 81
worked for me

that works, for some reason the same launch options in dxlevel 90 doesn’t work…

anyway thanks


Quoted from Permzilla


that works, for some reason the same launch options in dxlevel 90 doesn’t work…

anyway thanks

mat_antialias 1 might work, tho i have no idea since im using both dx9 and 8 fs with overlay and dont have problems but since im using different configs with different launch options it might be why

also, you shouldnt need -nod3d9ex on dx8, its only for dx9 so if using -nod3d9ex dont use -dxlevel 8x

Last edited by AnimaL,

❤ snQx :k

same issue for me (great i’m not the only one)

i’ve got the overlay mumble but don’t have alt+tabbing through steam :(

EDIT : with -nodx9blablala i can alt+tabbing without the mumble overlay and when i remove -nodx9fublabla i got mumble overlay without alt+tabbing

luv u steam

Last edited by ❤ snQx :k,

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